Miss delldoom



3 years, 10 months ago


Miss Delldoom
(main attacks)
Mystical Fire
Foul Play
Night Shade
trick room

The tall imposing fox mage can come off as scary, or even evil, yet as soon as she starts talking it becomes apparent she more mischievous than anything else.  The tri fusion keeps her self-busy in the deeper floors of the Emerald Maze one of the few pokes seemingly unaffected by the daily purge she spends most of her time running experiments on the shadows or just messing with explorer teams that enters the maze.  Theatrically trying to play the role of the big bad witch of the maze, not that most ever believe her with the many warnings about the maze. However with how mischievous and care free she may come of off at first if you make her angry Miss Delldoom can quickly become a threat. Wielding a strength comparable to a lesser Guardian any party that tries to pick a fight can be quickly over whelmed by the many tricks at the foxes disposal. Knowing both foul play and Night Shade Delldoom is more than capable of using her own strength or that of her opponents paired with charm and hypnoses to take enemies out of the fight completely.

This Level of power and a dislike of taking commands may be one reason she not reconised as a lesser guardian but also why she is so freely aloud to mess around in the Maze. The Guardian of the dungeon most likely trusting Delldoom to do more good than bad.  As Delldoom has helped Shield Spring on more than one occasion and has personally seen to rescue mission on deeper floors.  She can be an ally, an enemy, or YOUR DOOM. It really depends how you interact with her.

there seems to be several private missions between Delldoom and the Black Market Barge as Delldoom seem to always have a high amount of xp gummies.