


3 years, 11 months ago


Full Name ► Valentara Klovier
Nickname(s) ► Val, Valentine
Age ► Late Teen (17+)
Gender ► Female
Race ► Dark Elf
Role ► AoE
Power ► Hypnotism; with the help of her umbrella she can entrance up to a few people to do her bidding, with them having little to no recollection of it later. Her umbrella also allows for some floatation ability.

OR she is a shape-shifter and has fun using it to play pranks.
Attributes ► Black hair, purple eyes, blue-gray skin, and elf ears.
Height/Weight ► 5,1"ft 107lbs Short and petite.
Outfit ►Purple/black dress with pink tie, black thigh-high striped socks, purple frilled sleeves, and curved toe slippers.
Weapon ► Umbrella/parasol - doesn't actually work well in rain
Occupation ► Pawn
Birthday ► October 2nd, Nistroga Kingdom*
Sexuality ► Pansexual, poly
Likes ► Sweets, chatting, flirting, pulling pranks, hanging with Shi Teffo
Dislikes ► Rain, crabby people, being ignored, having to be serious
Fears ► Snakes
Extra ► -
Relations ► Considers herself a friend of Shi Teffo, Cami, and Marko

Personal ►► Valentara knows Miyon and has a petty vendetta against her. She tends to fight because she thinks it's fun, she likes to win, and she has a desire to see the world erased. She has little tying her to this world, so why not go out in style?