on hold's Comments

if the hold falls I'd like to try and offer!

i can do a fullbody+a bust+icon?

This user's account has been closed.

Hi, I was wondering if you would consider letting me have her back? Fine if not, but I don't mind offering art or an OC in return ^-^

Hiii, and sadly I'm kind of attached to her TwT !! I can definitely lyk or ping you when I do loose interest in her however!!


Alright no worries, her profile just hasn't had any new stuff added or anything so I thought she was free rein for offers.

ini , Heya!! If you're still interested you can totally get her back now !


does anyone in my th interest you? jam + pending characters are offlimits

You can have them for free back since that’s what i got her for!! Just wanted to know if you wanted her still so i can send 🥺🥺

2 Replies



shes so pretty omg...