Nylock Panatol




Nylock Panatol

Species Frilled Neck Lizard
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Alignment Nature


Nylock is a reddish frilled lizard with bright lime green markings all over his body. His head is a brighter red than the rest of his body but sports the same green markings. When unfurled, his frill is a brighter red with brighter green markings. He has bright red horns on his head and his claws are the same shade of red. His tongue and interior of his mouth is bright green. His eyes are bright green-yellow.

Nylock favored a sleeveless black vest with a black fur collar and a dark red shirt under. He wears spiked bracelets on his wrists.


Nylock is venomous, both literally and in personality. He’s full of malice and cares little for others, even actively wishing them harm. He prioritizes knowledge and his own comfort over all else. In a lot of ways, he is similar to Maelstrom but tends to be more actively malicious.


Since he was a child, Nylock has found a fascination with poisons and the body, especially how the two interplay. Now, as an adult, Nylock actively studies both. He often ingests mild poisons to see how they affect him and for the more major, even fatal ones, he uses whoever he can snatch and restrain. When Maelstrom found him, he was fast to attack the dragon and even injure him. However, when Maelstrom turned the tables on him, subduing him, he found that the dragon had heard of him and was even interested in his work. Nylock was even aware the dragon was manipulating him but the lure of a kindred spirit was too tempting for him to ignore so he agreed to help him.


Through self-experimentation, Nylock has made himself venomous and poisonous. He is knowledgeable about multiple poisons and how they affect the body.

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