Cleisto Cadiz



7 years, 5 months ago



Species Cactus Cat
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Alignment Nature


Cleisto is a diminutive cactus cat with one’s distinctive yellow-green fur, darker green markings on her ear tips and cheeks and lighter green markings on her belly and paws. Her ears are long and tufted. She has a short ‘bobbed’ tail, that looks like a barrel cactus, including spines. Around her neck is a large petal “collar” with pink petals with lighter tips and darker spots. She sports a bright pink mohawk. Her eyes are dark teal.

She’s partial to colorful scarves, like her favorite green and russet one. She also likes wearing a long, torn coat when she’s gardening.


A creature of dubious morality, Cleisto cares for little but herself. She’s a boisterous and loud creature, enjoying her liquor a little too much, as is a common vice for her species. She likes to party, often destructively. The few times she calms down is when she tends to her plants, seeming almost meditative when she does. However, interrupting her sets off her vicious temper.


Cleisto has lived in the Kahara Desert all her life, tending to her plants and making her own alcohol. She greatly prefers being by herself but by chance, she met Maelstrom on his travels. She, like many before, fell for his honeyed words, despite his interruption annoying her. He promised her a better space for her plants, the necessary tools for her studies and even for her distilling. In truth, he hoped her knowledge of the properties of plants would be useful to his experiments. Even though she suspects he has ulterior motives, his gifts to her have left her somewhat smitten after him, ignoring the morality of what she’s doing.


As a cactus cat, Cleisto has spines on her bobbed tail and hidden inside her fur. She can stiffen or even eject these spines. She has a vast knowledge of plants, knowing how to take care of them, their properties and uses.

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