


3 years, 9 months ago


"Keeeeensa Here to Cause Problems! On Purpose!!!"


Full name: Kensa Betu

Species: Android (Or rather, a "Dolorian")

Age: Technically, Early 30s

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pan

"Blood" Type: Oil Positive

Favorite Object: Pink Kangaroo Hat

Favorite Food: Cola-flavored Lollipop

Favorite thing to do: Cause big trouble, Pranks, Feeding Quadrizooms, Rocket Jumping, Training



Kensa is known in her apartment block as "That Loony From 43" due to her erratic and mischevious nature, often pranking people, sometimes creating messes and having a great laugh around. You wouldn't think she's supposed to be in her early thirties, but the world moves in mysterious ways. Some say that she's having a long crisis on how old she's supposed to be, others say she's past that and just embrace the fact that age means nothing in the sense of pranking and keeping fun alive.

However, this also means that she will start problems only for the sake of her own amusement, making her at odds with the order-liking Ms. Drake.

She says she calculates her risks when doing her pranks, but what she doesn't tell anyone is that she's bad at math, thus her uneven luck.

It's been said that a long time ago, she was a regional Rocket-Jump-Acrobatic winner until an accident caused her to leave, years ago, back into the anonymous. Much of the details are murky and her refusal to discuss it all makes finding the truth harder.

Currently, she plans to own a shelter for her 10+ Quadrizooms she owns in her home, as well as a "flying machine" (her words) so she can fly across the globe.

 Fun Facts 

  • Kensa has baked Liam a cake for his Making Day. She does that every Making Day of his.
  • She sometimes collaborates, but mostly because she wants to see things burn.
  • Despite being Pan, she tends to openly flirt more with women than with men or other (but she loves them nonetheless!)
  • The eyes on her hat seem to have a mind of their own, and they seem to be busy trying to think of world domination plans.
  • Those pants are not as poofy as you think they are.