Addison (Obey Me!)



3 years, 11 months ago


60683864_kQpXiPW3qDPVc4X.gif Addison

Addison is the MC for Obey Me! Shall We Date?. They are a bit of a delinquent and cause a lot of trouble, unintentionally and intentionally.

NAME:Addison Yan
NICKNAME:Addi, Xiao Yan
GENDER:Trans / Nonbinary
PRONOUNS:They / Them
  • Sleep
  • Video Games
  • Bird Watching
  • Cats
  • Spicy Foods
  • Work (especially schoolwork)
  • Bugs
  • Sugary Foods
  • The Cold
  • Lucifer (lol)

In nearly all ways, Addison gets along with Lucifer the least. His pride and desire to fulfill his tasks clash with Addison’s nature of causing chaos. Though they do respect each other for their capabilities, the two can only be together for so long before they start creating conflict between each other.

Out of all the brothers, Addison gets along with Mammon the best. Although at first, they were a bit hesitant to trust him after their first meeting, they soon found themselves almost constantly at each other’s side. In a way, they were each other’s sidekicks and followed each other’s plans, even if they aren’t the best thought-out. Although they might not admit it at first, Addison had found themself growing attached to Mammon (and maybe even falling in love as well)

Addison considers Levi to be their best friend (even if he likes to deny it sometimes). After the TSL Quiz incident had died down, Addison has found themself extremely interested in Levi’s immense collection of video games and anime and wanted to befriend him to get a closer look at it. Although their friendship had a rocky start, they now enjoy being able to coop up in order to play games or binge anime together.

At first, Addison wasn’t sure if they would ever get along with Satan. He reminded them too much of the preppy overachievers back when they were in school in the Human Realm, which had always irked them. Though, after the incident with the cursed book swapping Satan and Lucifer, Addison enjoyed seeing this more chaotic side of him. Although they don’t have much in common, there are two things they can agree upon. Cats and hating on Lucifer.

To Addison, Asmodeus was the friend that means well but doesn’t seem to know when to stop that wellness. Because Addison doesn’t like to maintain their looks too much, Asmodeus has taken it upon himself to make sure Addison looks their best every day. This usually leads to shopping trips and self-care sessions where Addison would reluctantly be prettied up. They did complain a lot at first, but soon grew used to being indulged like this.

Beel was a bit hard for Addison to wrap their head around when they first met. They were always slightly worried that they would become Beel’s next snack, especially after he broke the wall to their room and had to stay with him in the meantime. Addison has since stopped having the worry of being eaten but doesn’t seem to consider them and Beelzebub that close considering their lack of having much in common.

Addison and Belphegor have a strong mutual respect for each other. Although the whole “Lesson 16” stuff had sullied their relationship a bit, they had since bounced back from it and have become napping buddies with each other. They especially enjoy their time together in the “Lucifer S*cks Club”, even when their activities don’t really have much to do with Lucifer and just want to hang out for a bit.

At first, Addison was very suspicious of Solomon as his familiarity with the demons set off a lot of alarm bells in their heads. Addison might not have paid attention in history class, but even they know of King Solomon and his escapades, so it wasn't too hard to put two and two together. Though Solomon was the only other human they were around during their stay in the Devildom, so they get along with him mostly out of necessity.

Simeon definitely had the best first impression on Addison when they first met. As an angel, Addi didn't feel they had to worry like they do with the demon brothers. Though they aren't really into his hobby of writing and don't hang out because of the demon brothers getting in their way, so they don't consider each other very close.

On first impressions, Addison really didn't like Luke. His dedication to Michael and do-gooder attitude reminded them of a whiny dog. It didn't help that everyone else seemed to see him that way as well. Even with all this, Addison would gladly hang out with Luke if it meant taking a break from their hectic life (as long as they aren't helping to taste test any baked sweets).

Addison did not like Diavolo for a good chunk of time when they first arrived in the Devildom. Since he was the reason they were unwillingly sent back to schooling after looking forward to some time off, they did their best to tune him out as much as possible. Though they had to admit to admiring his persistance to seemingly ignore his royal duties and his (lack of a) work ethic.

Barbatos is a confusing and mysterious mess to Addison. They couldn't figure him out for the life of them, especially after the "Lesson 16" incident. Addison doesn't really mind him though since he doesn't get in the way too much and seems mostly preoccupied in trying to get Diavolo to do his job.


In the Human Realm, Addison was fresh out of high school due to being held back and was hoping to take a couple of years off before college. Often, they would ignore their schoolwork in favor of slacking off and playing video games. Though of course this life of leisure was taken to a halt after one day stepping out their front door only to fall into their new life.

When they were brought to the Devildom, they were originally extremely against having to go back to school all of a sudden and had a strong bitterness towards them. In their first day as an exchange student, they often did things to get a rise out of the demon brothers. After the TSL Pop Quiz and seeing for themself how dangerous demons could be, they caved and made sure to start putting more effort into their work than they ever have in their life.

  • Addison is afab and only started considering themselves nonbinary around the start of high school. They are on HRT but has not had any surgery for it.
  • Addison's hair was originally a dark black color before they arrived in the Devildom. They have no idea why it changed when they got teleported in, but they suspect it has something to do with their magic awakening from the shock of their arrival. The color turns back to normal whenever they visit the human world and changes back to blonde when they're in the Devildom or Celestial Realm.
  • Addison was originally designed after Judai from Yu-Gi-Oh GX, though most of the original design aspects have since been lost.
  • The strikes on their bangs are made up of five strokes while the strikes on their "wings" are made up of four strokes.
  • Their uniform in their reference photo is shown being neatly done, but most of the time it's more messy like the brothers'.

Creator: Lumiklyde

Theme/Voice Claim: Windy Indie - TOPHAMHAT-KYO