hey im having issue with the music/playlist part of the code. when hitting the play button, instead of playing any music it seems to just soft refresh my page?
phasmology sry for ping >_<

nothing to be sorry for ! c:

tbh the whole code could use a refresh -  the song links also seem broken in the preview to me :p i have a thought on how to redo the whole player to be more consistent, but i'm in the process of moving so it may be a bit before i can give the whole thing a proper look

for now, a fix that should be work shouldddd be changing the opacity! right now, the code should look something like this, under the <!-- SONG 1 --> (or song 2) comment

<span><iframe class="flex-fill" style="height:1em; width:1em; opacity:0;

i think either toyhouse itself or some browesers decided that an element at 0 opacity shouldn't really be interactable ? which makes sense bc that Is easy to abuse . but for our nefarious purposes, the quickest solution should be to just fake it by changing the opacity to a technically-visible but still very transparent value, like so

<span><iframe class="flex-fill" style="height:1em; width:1em; opacity:0.01;

you may be able to see a little ghost of an embedded video above the play button, but you should be able to lower that even more to 0.00001or what have you until it's as gone as you'd like! c:

this worked!! tysm

the nefarious angler fish


hi sorry another question - in circlejourney everything looks perfect but on my toyhou.se page it's removed the bio text? I dont know what happened

hm, i can't seem to find a reason why that'd happen just from looking at your page - toyhouse seems to be treating it as if there were never text there at all. could you send me the code you're using in circlejourney so i could better troubleshoot?

Yeah! Here you go: https://pastebin.com/AKyDaFdt thank you so much :D

looks like the style attribute just got separated from its tag! what you have, right under the section labeled "description", is this:

<p class="m-0" style="color:#E9D3D7"> <style="max-height: 40%; overflow-y:auto;">

and it's that separate attribute (the "style=" and its following attributes) with no actual tag (like the p before it) that's confusing the code, what you'll want is those attributes to not be separated, so what you'd have instead would look like this:

<p class="m-0" style="color:#E9D3D7; max-height: 40%; overflow-y:auto;">

hope that helps ! :> that should fix the issue, but lmk if you have any more trouble with it

that fixed it! tysm!

used for my profile!!! thank you!


Writing another comment to say i did end up using the playlist code on my oc Pix's profile!! I'll definately be using it for all my other ones too :3

Might use the playlist part of the code for character profiles [with a couple other frankensteined code snippets from other people]! Tysm for sharing!

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How do I make a background like yours? I can only find instructions for a large background

looks like that was achieved by adding a background declaration to the very first element ! after the big comment at the start, you'll see the following opening tag:

<div class="container p-0 my-auto" style="max-width: 550px;">

to add a background, you'd add a property such as background-image and then fill in whatever value, in the end it'd look something like this

d<div class="container p-0 my-auto" style="max-width: 550px;background-image:url(YOURLINKHERE)">

thank you SO MUCH!!!!

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Using!! This is wonderful :]!! <33

Thank you so much for this code existing!!! I Frankensteined it for masterlist purposes because the side-by-side does not change with the screen size. It works so well!!! Thank you SO so so so SO SO MUCH!!! - aciinonyx
[here is one of them with the code https://toyhou.se/7001855.colubrid-cherry-chapstick-]

Hello! So in short, I had been trying to change the color of the lil' icons of the links to match with the theme of a character I like for my profile. However, it's been... slightly complicated? I am unsure but I don't think I am able to change it. Anything I can do?

have you tried what i mentioned below in a response to user vinesauce?  if not, that should be the easiest solution! and if that is what you've  tried and you're still having trouble, could you send me the edited  code so i can understand exactly what changes you're making? :0c

in love with this code D: using it here https://toyhou.se/allseeinghelga

hi im having trouble with the playlist part, do i need to put the right link of the song? or do i need to put the link somewhere else?
the song is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypmes7XisTg

<div id="playlist" class="carousel slide" data-interval="900000">
<div class="carousel-inner">

<!-- SONG 1 -->
<div class="carousel-item active">
<div class="justify-content-between mx-3" style="overflow:hidden">
<span><iframe class="flex-fill" style="height:1em; width:1em; opacity:0; position:absolute; margin-top:5.5px; z-index:1;" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypmes7XisTg"></iframe>
<a href=""><i class="fas fa-play"></i></a> <a href="#playlist" role="button" data-slide="next"><i class="fas fa-step-forward"></i></a></span>
<span style="font-size: 100%">TITLE <span class="text-muted">- ARTIST</span></span>
<!-- SONG 2 -->
<div class="carousel-item">
<div class="justify-content-between mx-3" style="overflow:hidden">
<span><iframe class="flex-fill" style="height:1em; width:1em; opacity:0; position:absolute; margin-top:5.5px; z-index:1;" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypmes7XisTg"></iframe>
<a href=""><i class="fas fa-play"></i></a> <a href="#playlist" role="button" data-slide="next"><i class="fas fa-step-forward"></i></a></span>
<span style="font-size: 100%">TITLE <span class="text-muted">- ARTIST</span>
<i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-xs text-warning tooltipster" title="Explicit Content"></i></span>

like it mentions at the top of the code in the notes, what you'll need to take and replace is actually the video id (the "Ypmes7XisTg" in "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypmes7XisTg" in this case), not the entire link ! this is because it needs to be an embed link, not a link to the original video page - the link you'll want to have here is https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ypmes7XisTg ! replacing the link you have in the code with this should work c:

Ohh ok, it worked now! tysm!

i'm not certain what you're referring to, can you send me the code you're having trouble with?

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there is! adding a color property to each of the icons' tags will work (they'll look something like <i class="fab fa-twitter" style="color:#000000"></i>, you can insert any hex code in). just keep in mind that 1. they will no longer change colors when hovered over (not without adding extra css, which isn't accessible without premium of course), so it may not be as obvious that they're clickable links, and 2. depending on what color you choose, they may not work with every toyhouse theme, so i recommend double checking to make sure they're visible on all backgrounds (https://th.circlejourney.net/# is a rly useful tool for this! tho you can also just change your theme and reload your page) !

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do you know how to put color to both the playlist icons? :,c

im using the custom color ver.

as in the play and pause button? the same solution should work just fine! your elements will just look like <i class="fas fa-play" style="color:#000000"></i> and <i class="fas fa-step-forward" style="color:#000000"></i> respectively :3 if you're referring to something else, lmk !

it worked tysm!! also one more thing, do you know how to put little decorations just like the user Arkansas? i wanna put a couple of them at the beggining and end of the "name, pronouns, age" part

for that you would just add an img element either side of the text, making sure it's inside of the <p> tags (or <span> tags, in the case of putting them around the social media links) so that it stays in-line with the text! 

the whole thing should look something like <p class="font-weight-bold m-0"><img src="URLHERE"> Name - Pronouns - Age <img src="URLHERE"></p> with the URLHERE part ofc being the url of the image you're adding c:

1 Replies

is it possible to give it a background? i understand the code is currently transparent so it matches things like the bootstrap, but can it look something like BRIEF I on Toyhouse or [F2U] Scenery on Toyhouse - if its possible how would i go about doing that

and how do i get the stamps to work,, to look like stamps

apologies for the late reply! it should be possible to add a background, yes ! to do that you'd put the entire thing within another container, i recommend doing this with the custom version so you don't have any unexpected visability issues to deal with like you might in the boostrap version. you should also make sure to specify a text color with this container for the same reason, the automatic theme colors 


for this, i just added the following above where the code says <!---------------{ CODE START }--------------->:

<div class="rounded p-5 my-5 mx-5" style="background-image: url('https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/873044632701894696/873335123699982336/wood.jpg'); color:white" >

and then a </div> to close it at the very end! additionally, if  you wanted to add an extra translucent box on top of the background and  underneath the rest of the code, you could add this after that:

    <div class="rounded p-5 my-5 mx-5" style="background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);">

and then an extra </div> at the end to close that too, making it look something like this


i'm not quite sure what you're asking about the stamps though? the images used for the stamps are already formatted as stamps, most of them would be taken from deviantart! you can find them in groups like this, or just searching the website for "stamps". there are also templates to make your own, if that's what you're interested in c:

adding style="width: 99px;height: 56px;" to the img tag should do it !

Does anyone know the image size for the stuff on the left side?? ^^

the top is about 183 x 185px and the bottom is about 183 x 231px, but you should be able to make anything bigger that's around the same ratio work! if they're smaller, they'll probably get blurry resizing

hey sorry for the randomness, but i was wondering how you got the stamps to work? 

you just copy the image direction, otherwise it will not work

Hello !! Wonderful code! Im having a slight problem with the music player though ;; it isn't working and I have a YouTube ended link and everything and I checked all the code around it and its the same so im just confused at this point :'[]

Code >

<!-- MUSIC PLAYER --><div class="carousel slide" data-interval="900000" id="playlist"><div class="carousel-inner"><!-- SONG 1 --><div class="carousel-item active"><div class="justify-content-between mx-3" style="overflow:hidden;"><span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvi fr-draggable" contenteditable="false"><iframe class="flex-fill" style="height:1em; width:1em; opacity:0; position:absolute; margin-top:5.5px; z-index:1;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cyN6GMY78D4"></iframe></span><a href=""><i class="fas fa-play"></i></a><a data-slide="next" href="#playlist"><i class="fas fa-step-forward"></i></a>
<span style="font-size: 100%;">SWEET DREAMS <span class="text-muted">- BORNS</span></span></div></div><!-- SONG 2 --><div class="carousel-item"><div class="justify-content-between mx-3" style="overflow:hidden;"><span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvi fr-draggable" contenteditable="false"><iframe class="flex-fill" style="height:1em; width:1em; opacity:0; position:absolute; margin-top:5.5px; z-index:1;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/62zttCJT1Sg"></iframe></span><a href=""><i class="fas fa-play"></i></a><a data-slide="next" href="#playlist"><i class="fas fa-step-forward"></i></a>
<span style="font-size: 100%;">DIRTY IMBECILE <span class="text-muted">- THE HAPPY FITS</span></span></div></div><!-- copy & paste song 2 here for more songs --></div></div><div class="card my-2 rounded-0" style="padding:1px;border: 1px solid #FFFFFF;background: #000000;"><br></div><!-- STAMPS --><div class="mt-3"><a href="SOURCE"><img class="mx-1 fr-fic fr-dii" src="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/5b5712f7-803b-4b98-ba97-749f1a107087/da42u4g-10e76c27-b9ae-4775-b0e0-c62b1c8d7a75.gif" width="90" height="51"></a>
<a href="SOURCE"><img class="mx-1 fr-fic fr-dii" src="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/9865a25b-3dcf-4076-ad61-b1e7a6a31980/dap73v7-1c7f5f2e-cfc2-4429-8197-389d52cde59c.gif" width="90" height="51"></a>
<a href="SOURCE"><img class="mx-1 fr-fic fr-dii" src="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/5b5712f7-803b-4b98-ba97-749f1a107087/d9fxwqa-7ac872ec-b9e8-4442-bf1d-54bffed6c034.gif" width="89" height="50"></a></div></div></div></div>

well first of all thank you for making me realize i had a privacy extension that broke every youtube embed kdhgkashfdk-- i've got that my-end probelm sorted out now

as for the code, i could swear this has happened before but i have no clue where it comes from - the whole "<span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvi fr-draggable" contenteditable="false">" tag isn't in the original code and seems to break the music player, removing that (plus the corrosponding end tag "</span>", after the "</iframe>") should make the songs play!

here's a working version that you should be able to replace the section you have now with!

Ah thank you !! <3 

And welcome !! :D

Also thank you for the new code for the whole thing it seems to be working now ty !!

Edit: I figured out the whole thing of why it isn't working is because I was not wysiwyg so anybody who reads this and had the same problem as me most likely did it where you didn't look at the code and edited the whole thing :] so just make sure to have !! (Just make sure wysiwyg is disabled !!)

I've used it, thank you so much for this code!

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Love this code! I've been using it for a while without trouble but for some reason, the playlist has stopped working for me :[

The playlist appears normally but the button itself stopped being click-able

I've changed the links in case the video was removed and even used a fresh code to make sure I wasn't erasing something on accident. Could I be missing something else?

im glad you like it :D and huh, i see what you mean, that's ..... super strange!

from inspecting it my guess would be that there's something wrong with the way the iframe was input (essentially, something around the youtube link), the source of the video doesn't show up at all for some reason? though if it worked before and you've re-done the code already i'm not sure what exactly made it start acting screwy

could you please send me the code you have now in a pastebin link or something so i can take a look and troubleshoot further? :0

of course! here you go! :>

let me know if you'd need the full code, as I'm only sending the music player section in this pastebin


seems like you added a direct link instead of an embed link! the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfnfT-Z7IH8 should say https://www.youtube.com/embed/PfnfT-Z7IH8, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9imCm6CrNZ8 should be https://www.youtube.com/embed/9imCm6CrNZ8 !! which has been a fairly more common mistake than i expected, i'll add a note about that to the code so hopefully its clearer in the future whoops--

that should be it, lmk if you have any more trouble !!

oh!! thankfully it was something simpler than i imagined, will be fixing asap! thank you so much ^_^

so creative!!

Using! Thanks for the code 💖

Used !! Really pretty and simple <3 !!

im using this! and i really like how it looks on my profile!

hi! could you please send me the changes you've made via a pastebin link and maybe describe the problem you're having in more detail so i can troubleshoot ? what happens when you press the play button? they're working just fine on my end, have you checked other browsers or tried clearing your cookies from toyhou.se?

tweaked it to work as a character profile for Luis, hope you dont mind

im so sorry to bother but i'm getting the same issue skyrenexe had with the boxes being too big, i went through the info you gave them but the code looks different for me? like where you said it should look like div class="card bg-faded my-2 rounded-0" style="padding:1px; height:4px;" card bg-faded etc doesn't actually appear ;__;

it tends to break when i edit it, it happened once before and i think i managed to fix it by going through the original unedited code and replacing all the edits i made by hand. i saved that version in case it broke again in the future but pasting it still results in the boxes being bigger

here's a pastebin of it currently: https://pastebin.com/uLGAvA9T it might just be a browser display issue because i use opera but if there's any way to fix it i would appreciate it so much ;_; (also it's just odd, they displayed perfectly fine before)

i also realised the audio player is no longer working when all i did was add my friend who recently joined th :((

the solution should be the same, the reason "bg-faded" doesn't show up is that you're using the custom color version; "bg-faded" is the class that makes the color match the theme. yours should look something like this right now <div class="card my-2 rounded-0" style="padding:1px;border:1px solid #5efffc;background: #ff3bef;"><br></div> (possibly with more or less spaces? the pastebin you sent me is all squished together, idk why that is exactly but it tends to happen if you turn off wysiwyg and paste a code in without reloading the page first? not super important but it can be harder to see where to edit when it's squished)

but yea, you just add height:4px; to the style of those! it should look something like this after <div class="card my-2 rounded-0" style="height:4px;padding:1px;border:1px solid #5efffc;background: #ff3bef;"><br></div>

as for the playlist, https://pastebin.com/LzHiSKRN this should fix everything! just copy and paste that in over where it is in the old code, starting at "<!-- MUSIC PLAYER -->" and ending at " <!-- copy & paste song 2 here for more songs -->"

an extra span got in there somehow? "<span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvi fr-draggable" contenteditable="false">", which looks to be why the songs weren't playing. and the play and next buttons got moved out of the span they were meant to be, which would be why the format of the first song messed up.

(also part of it miiight have something to do with the second video you used not allowing embeds? when i opened the link you had there (https://www.youtube.com/embed/WHcFDJCjY3s) and tried to play the video i got a video unavailable message. to remedy that i just replaced it with a different video for the same song (https://www.youtube.com/embed/yHgIYfNF8kY), which doesn't seem to be any different aside from excluding a few seconds of silence at the end)

and dw about bothering me, its no problem !! hope this helped, lmk if you have any more trouble!! :3

that fixed everything, thank you so much!! you're very kind ^__^

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for some reason the images i put in the boxes are stretched? ALSO sorry for the disarray of my profile i'm in the middle of finally getting all my shit to be the same aes not the remnants of 3 different hyperfixations chkkchkc

to change that you'll just need to mess with the "background-size" property! they should both read "background-size: 101% 101%" right now, you can either delete the whole property to make them fit automatically (though they'll probably be zoomed in), or mess with the numbers to strecth the back out in the right direction (something like 150% 101% should work for the first one)! and then if they're not cropped right, you can use the background-position property to fix that ! there's an explanation of that with examples here if you need ! (also dkjfghfkld don't worry i totally get it, hyperfixations are like that sometimes)

i deleted the rows that set the sizing and it's better now buck i might fiddle w it later bc i'm on mobile rn and that's not the best place to experiment sjJFN;; thank you sm for your help!

How do i make the divider containers skinny (almost a line) like yours? Right now they're stuck as somewhat thick boxes and I can't seem to figure out how to change the height!

hi ! sorry for not replying earlier, but it looks to me like it's working fine on your profile at the minute! if you still need help you can send me a pastebin link with the code so i can troubleshoot the issue !

Oh that’s odd! No matter which device I’m on I’m still getting thicker boxes than what the code preview shows! Like this:

The code was copy and pasted directly from pastebin, and the boxes showed up like that before I touched anything, so maybe it’s just me? LMAO

HUH... well that's! strange! upon further inspection, it looks just fine in firefox but on chrome it looks more like yours, and my friend says the boxes are big in the brave browser too? but copying directly from pastebin and starting a new character in chrome, it looks like how it's expected to????? i honestly have no clue why that would happen!

either way! to fix it, you can add height:4px; to all of the dividers in the little style= section! it should look like this: <div class="card bg-faded my-2 rounded-0" style="padding:1px; height:4px;"></div>

EDIT: It worked! Thank you so much 💖💖💖

Wack! Thank you so much for your time, I’ll definitely try that!! 💖💖💖

I couldn't get the playlist to work? I checked back on the code to make sure I didn't mess anything up, and I didn't. It just, doesn't work? The button doesn't even show up.

can you send me the code in a pastebin link or something so i can troubleshoot it? i'd love to help but there's not much i can do without seeing how you edited it !

Yea sure! gimme a moment

looks like the songs aren't playing because you added a full playlist link rather than just the video id, which the little bit directly after the "watch?v=" and before the "&list= in playlists", or it's a little easier to see if you click on the share link at the bottom of the video and look the link it gives you there, it'll be the numbers and letters after the https://youtu.be/ bit! then you can replace where the code says "VIDEOID" with that!

and then the next button not showing up is just because of the length of the first song title, which you can adjust by changing the number where it says "font-size: 100%" right before the name input (anything under 86% should work in this case)! tbh that being unclear was on me, i'll update the base code to make the height work a little differently so the next button will overflow instead of being hidden, thank you for helping me realize that oversight!

here's the working code ! https://pastebin.com/QcpKSJZE

Thank you so much, sorry to bother, code just confuses me lmao