


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info










Bunnetchs are a form of sinthetic life, their bodies are made of a glass like material and are powered by the orbs on their tails, which works like a brain or more like a Motherboard... Althought sentient..

If a bunnetch body get's damaged it wont matter as long as their core orb remains safe, you can place this same orb in other body and it'll be as good as new. They don't have mouths as they don't need to eat or drink at all.

The species work as a Colony in which one single organism is disposable. Their social behaviour can be compared to the one of Earth's bees, their whole planet looks like a hive and their queen is the only one able to make more orbs... Instead, there's no queen as such, but the planet itself. 

The whole purpose of a Bunnetch is to take care of their planet, their extremely durable but eventually orbs will wear off, when a bunnetch feels this coming they'll make their way deep inside the planet to transfer their data from the old orb to a new one and start a new! So they're pretty much inmortal in that sense, some bunnetchs have been living longer than some solar systems.

Its said that if you take a Bunnetch away from it's mother planet it will eventually power out. Which does not stop space travelers from capturing them and stealing their orbs to use as valueable and easy power source, when a Bunnetch dies out away from it's planet it's gone forever along all their memories. 

One year in their planet equals 10 human years...

Lupe has been a bit of a daydreamer through their whole life, usually spacing out easily, always happy to explore and endlessly curious, although still relatively young it's been hard for them to find a strict role in the colony, after swapping so many times through the years Lupe has finally been put on the duty of looking after the younger ones, and instructing them into the basics, currently he's mainly looking after Mika, a curious and daydreaming little 3 year old Bunnetch just as them!