Midoriya Akito



3 years, 11 months ago


Midoriya Akito


  • Name Midoriya Akito
  • Age 15
  • Height 173cm
  • Occupation Student
  • Sexuality Homosexual
  • Personality

    Shy at first approach, Akito takes a little bit to warm up to strangers, but once that barrier is broke, he's friendly, bubbly, and approachable. Despite this, he is upfront and abrasive, able to approach others should he find reason to do so. He's fiercely protective of those he cares about, going to the ends of the earth in order to keep them safe. He can be relatively untrusting, but once that trust has been earned, it is incredibly difficult to break.

  • Appearance

    Curly green hair with a long bang hanging down over his heterochromatic eyes. The left is green, while the right eye, hiding under a thick bang of green hair, is white-gold. Smatterings of freckles dot his cheeks, shoulders, and arms. Slender form and about average height.

  • Hero Alias Phoenix
  • Quirk White fire
  • Backstory

    Left on the doorstep of Midoriya Hisashi by his birth mother, Akito grew up in a rather loving but independent home. He'd learned quite early on in his life that his father had engaged in some slightly unforgiving activities with an English Pro Hero which had him birthed and left in the care of his once-foolish father. With Hisashi consistently away on military duties, he'd learned from an early age how to take care of himself, even being able to cook meals and clean the house without much help from any outside influences. He and his father are quite close, finding that such a relationship was important for Akito who had been so easily abandoned by his own mother.

    After a serious injury that put Hisashi into permanent retirement, for a long while, Akito was able to abate some of the symptoms of these injuries with his quirk, but of course, there was only so much he could do. The duo eventually decided to return to Japan from where they were in stationed in England and as such, he was introduced to the likes of Hisashi's actual wife and eldest son, which proved to be an interesting experience all on its own.

  • Midoriya Hisashi Father

    A loving bond between the two of them exists, despite knowing the choices Hisashi had made that resulted in Akito's birth. He's incredibly protective of his father, often taking responsibility for any duties the old man can't do due to his military-sustained injuries.

  • Midoriya Izuku Brother

    Strained at first introduction, they didn't really speak a whole lot, but through time their bond has strengthened to something utterly unbreakable.

  • Suru Izumo Boyfriend

    A playful duo, these two were certainly made for one another. Izumo's constant joking and loving nature helped Akito to fully open up to people, to trust them despite the darkness that sometimes sat in their hearts.

  • Suru Tadashi Best friend

    Akito actually approached this cool, quiet recluse on his own after seeing him sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria. They became fast friends, and the first person Tadashi could really trust outside of his own family. Also Akito's first friend made in Japan.

  • Yamamoto Itsume Best friend

    Bonded over their sexuality, these two often hang out together after becoming very quick best friends. They get into playful mischeif, always ready to have fun..