Auravian ⚜ Akadia



3 years, 10 months ago



intellectual ▪ collected ▪ steadfast ▪ forthright

species auravian
theme ethereal lotus
id no. AO-0001
gender male
age 121 (young adult)
birthdate may 25
orientation demi
build petite
MBTI intp
astrology gemini
gemstone rose quartz
magic creation
occupation high magister
residence arcana institute
music crystallize

Well hello there! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget arcu euismod risus volutpat egestas. Suspendisse ut sapien quis felis hendrerit pretium ut a risus. Duis sodales ligula quam, sit amet eleifend orci dignissim vel. Suspendisse at nulla vel est blandit facilisis non ut ante. Suspendisse orci enim, venenatis et aliquet eu, efficitur ac ex. Fusce auctor est ut tincidunt fermentum. Cras sed sodales metus. Ut non gravida urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed vel mollis massa. Sed sed pulvinar massa.

Aenean eget pulvinar leo. Proin eget aliquam mi. Praesent faucibus diam in nibh consectetur commodo. Nullam pulvinar volutpat ipsum, non aliquam elit tempus sed. Pellentesque nibh tortor, pulvinar et elementum sed, rhoncus sit amet lectus. In velit nulla, malesuada et rhoncus sed, gravida sit amet ipsum. Nulla at neque cursus, vestibulum orci at, eleifend metus. Cras mattis eget odio in posuere. Morbi tincidunt mi vel ipsum fermentum luctus. Vestibulum eget arcu euismod risus volutpat egestas.


Statistics ❴ personality traits ❵


Species Information ❴ traits & rarity ❵

Gemstone marquise cut (uncommon, matched)
Gemstone # ten (rare)
Wings one set (common)
Vestigials five sets (rare, matched)
Collar puritan (rare)
Dorsal graduated (rare)
Remiges whip (rare)
Rectrices none (common)

Likes ❴ what he enjoys ❵

work research, firsthand magic, organization
leisure books, piano, cleaning
social chess, concerts, museums, quiet
culture music, history, architecture, art
characteristics creativity, candor, diligence
nature cloudy skies, mountains, lakes, birds
magic transportation, enchantment, creation
cuisine breads, fruits, cheeses, tea

Dislikes ❴ what he avoids ❵

work customer service, liaisoning, failure
leisure cooking, shopping, socializing
social galas, festivals, marketplaces, crowds
culture violence, exploitation
characteristics laziness, neglectfulness
nature rain, open oceans, swamps, mud
magic trickery, necromancy, divination
cuisine heavy meats, vegetables, alcohol

Creation ❴ magical specialty ❵

Creation magic is the art of using one's own energy as a conduit to make something new. Auravians gifted with creation magic are inclined towards creating protective wards or conjuring elements such as fire or water from seemingly nowhere. Practitioners of this specialty are also able to take existing objects or even other magical effects and alter them into a new form. Masters of this type of magic have also been known to create simple forms of life, such as flowers or fruit. However, creating life even in its simplest is magically taxing, and should never be attempted by an amateur practitioner.

High Magister ❴ occupation ❵

High magisters, such as Akadia, are unparalleled masters of creation magic. They live within the Arcana Institute in the Aurora District, so as to create and maintain the protective wards around the city. They do not usually maintain the city's illusory magic, as maintaining the protective wards is a highly taxing task. High magisters are also consulted and commissioned by the highest of society to create new magical objects and spells of only the highest power. They may be required to teach students of the Institute on occasion. Their numbers are so few that there may only be one or two at any given time.


Biography ❴ background & history ❵


Well hello there! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum augue erat, dignissim nec gravida at, euismod in massa. Aenean aliquam commodo purus pellentesque dapibus. Sed at urna ut tortor eleifend condimentum sed ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean malesuada egestas odio quis sodales. Mauris malesuada magna nunc, eget convallis erat cursus sed. Quisque ac mauris quam. Nam ornare lacus vitae lorem faucibus, vitae convallis lorem rutrum. Vivamus venenatis molestie pellentesque. Vivamus nec augue eu erat congue ullamcorper faucibus et tellus.

Maecenas suscipit elit quam, gravida feugiat enim consectetur sodales. Integer quam neque, lacinia eu nisl at, porttitor gravida libero. Cras volutpat porttitor lectus sit amet tincidunt. Nam id ex eget lectus pharetra efficitur sit amet sit amet ipsum. Maecenas libero justo, ultrices vitae nisl eu, venenatis ultrices arcu. Cras tempus neque orci, at condimentum velit consectetur sed. Nam id arcu orci. Curabitur fringilla nec lorem vitae aliquam. Pellentesque efficitur sagittis eleifend. Pellentesque eu mauris vitae elit dignissim laoreet eu nec eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nunc sed interdum leo. Aliquam ipsum mi, vestibulum sagittis risus porttitor, suscipit rhoncus magna. Sed scelerisque, massa a finibus congue, mauris justo vestibulum mauris, vel aliquam urna risus a enim. Etiam porta, nibh ac faucibus auctor, magna metus egestas augue, vitae auctor ipsum felis ut ex. Mauris nulla libero, euismod ut cursus id, volutpat ac ante. Nunc facilisis, orci id vulputate rhoncus, est nisl vestibulum lectus, et faucibus metus enim ut arcu. Aenean rutrum nunc vitae sapien facilisis fermentum.

Integer ante justo, lobortis in orci eget, maximus posuere erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Quisque ullamcorper nisi at ex sagittis, nec congue tortor dictum. Ut in dolor quis ex fermentum semper et ac justo. Maecenas ut condimentum lacus, at accumsan mauris. Nullam semper erat vitae eros lobortis lobortis. Etiam vel est eget orci lacinia semper. Ut bibendum sapien et orci vestibulum, id mattis magna imperdiet. Donec faucibus nec leo vel sagittis. Integer eu molestie tellus. Duis blandit orci orci, et lacinia mauris iaculis dignissim. Suspendisse consequat eget erat vel aliquam. Etiam nisi nibh, viverra nec nulla eu, dictum molestie quam. Nullam massa quam, vulputate ac gravida ac, commodo id ex.


Trivia ❴ interesting notes ❵

  • Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.
  • Lotus flowers emerge from murky waters perfectly clean and beautiful, so they are known to be symbols of purity and spiritual enlightenment. The meaning of the lotus flower holds such power because it can offer hope and strength to people struggling in their daily lives. It is a symbol that shows that no matter where you start off in life and no matter what you're going through, you have the ability to rise above, overcome all negativity and find bliss as you emerge from your struggles.
  • Gemini's changeable and open mind makes them excellent artists, especially writers and journalists, and their skills and flexibility make them shine in trade, driving, and team sports. This is a versatile, inquisitive, fun-loving sign, born with a wish to experience everything there is out there, in the world. This makes their character inspiring, and never boring. Geminis are of the air element. Air is what connects all other elements, even though it might seem less relevant, invisible as it is. The distance from the nature of Earth lifts us up high, in impractical and mental planes that don’t satisfy our physical needs. Still, this is the element that can be found in all others, keeps the fire going just like the sun burns hydrogen. We may say that the beginning of life wouldn’t be possible without sire, but there would be no sire on our planet without air. The element of air gives us room to breathe, widens our lungs, and with them, opens our soul to personal freedom. All astrological signs that belong to this element have a strong need to feel liberated and free.

Character Name [ relationship ]

Well hello there! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget arcu euismod risus volutpat egestas. Suspendisse ut sapien quis felis hendrerit pretium ut a risus. Duis sodales ligula quam, sit amet eleifend orci dignissim vel. Suspendisse at nulla vel est blandit facilisis non ut ante. Suspendisse orci enim, venenatis et aliquet eu, efficitur ac ex. Fusce auctor est ut tincidunt fermentum. Cras sed sodales metus. Ut non gravida urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed vel mollis massa. Sed sed pulvinar massa.

Character Name [ relationship ]

Well hello there! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget arcu euismod risus volutpat egestas. Suspendisse ut sapien quis felis hendrerit pretium ut a risus. Duis sodales ligula quam, sit amet eleifend orci dignissim vel. Suspendisse at nulla vel est blandit facilisis non ut ante. Suspendisse orci enim, venenatis et aliquet eu, efficitur ac ex. Fusce auctor est ut tincidunt fermentum. Cras sed sodales metus. Ut non gravida urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed vel mollis massa. Sed sed pulvinar massa.

code by vii for personal use only.