


3 years, 11 months ago


Name: Tatcha

Nickname(s): Titi, Tea, Tati, Cha cha

Age: 75

Birth Month/Sign: Kaesa/Vaaka

Height: 5'5"

Sex/Gender: Female/Female

Place of Birth: Lolo

Current Residence: Bioyimo

Occupation: CEO of (TBD)

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Pansexual


Tatcha was born in Lolo; her mother worked at one of the casinos, and her father spent a significant amount of time gambling in them.  Despite some slight neglect, in her early childhood, she never felt unloved by her family, and as she got older her father even stopped going to the casinos and cleaned up to help ensure his daughter had an easier ride into adult life.

Eventually, her family moved to Kolob, where her mother landed a solid career writing columns for a gossip magazine, and her father climbed the business ladder and became the CEO of a company.  Tati fell into a pretty comfy lifestyle and started partying excessively.  This quickly took a turn when her father fell ill.  Nearly losing him was a big wake up call; she cleaned herself up and committed to school.  She focused on business, hoping to become a strong enough figure to inherit the business from her father.

She is extroverted and bubbly.  Though she seems to have many connections, she doesn't seem particularly close to any, putting up a wall to keep from getting to close to anyone.