Estrelle (celestial raccoon)



Nickame: Estre
Age: ageless being
Gender: agender
Pronouns: they /them
Birthday: August 5th
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: celestial raccoon
Height: can change their height and size at will
Orientation: asexual
Occupation: trash connoisseur
Home: the galaxy
Closest friends: Charcoal, Kaleidoscope, Constellation
Favorite color: Midnight Blue
  • trash (both earth & space variety)
  • potato salad
  • drawing & painting
  • afternoon naps
  • recreational baths

Estrelle is my main fursona, they're everything I aspire to be and more. Estrelle can change their size and shape at will, as well as turn invisible, which can lead to manny sneaky shenanigans. They have a pretty laid back personality and love to make new friends, especially if they're space themed! Estrelle is closest to Charcoal and Kaleidoscope, two of my other main sonas, as their backstories all tie together.

Charcoal particurarly is the modern day reincarnation of Estrelle, they share a soul link. Estrelle had watched over Charcoal for a good many years before one day introducting themself. Ever since that fateful day, Estrelle and Charcoal have been traveling together sharing many wonderful adventures and memories.

  • condescending folks
  • disappointing others
  • needless cruelity
  • willful ignorance
  • onions