Kaleidoscope (glitch raccoon)



Nickame: Scope
Age Ageless being
Gender: agender
Pronouns: they / them
Birthday: December 31st
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: cybernetic glitched raccoon
Height: 6'0"
Orientation: asexual
Occupation: feral fiend
Home: earth
Closest Friends: Estrelle, Charcoal, Portal (their pet cat)
Favorite color: anything neon or holo
  • trash
  • shiny things
  • partying
  • raves
  • spicy food
  • rainbow anything

Kaleidoscope is a cybernetic raccoon, brought to life in a research lab. They were originally meant to be an attempt of creating an A.I. of sorts but something went wrong, creators were shocked to see it take the form of an absolutely chaotic raccoon. After being studied for an amount of time they deemed Kaleidoscope uncontrollable and sought to destroy them. Estrelle had been spying on them for a while at that point and broke in to save Scope! And they've been traveling together since ~

I have so much more developing to do when it comes to Scope, for example, they have "screen savers" they can put over their fur that make various textures and patterns flash around (perfect for raves), a lot of cool attributes that can only really be explained via GIFs. One day I'll have them more fleshed out!

  • being controlled
  • boring things
  • bitter food
  • low battery
  • acknowledging introspection