
Nickame: Sugar sweet racc
Age: 21
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she / her
Birthday: May 30th
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: lovecore raccoon
Height: 5'8"
Orientation: bisexual
Occupation: baking assistant
Home: earth
Closest Friends: Panini (pet bun), Hunnie, Clover
Favorite Color: pink
  • baking
  • quiet moments
  • sweet things
  • strawberry themed anything
  • sunshine

Latté was the very first character I ever adopted, as soon as I saw her I just fell in love with her design. She is still one of my main sonas (of which I have 6) and I just have the softest spot in my heart for her. She's a heckin cutie and whenever I'm in the mood for drawing p i n k then she is my go to, for sure.

Latté has a pet strawberry bunny named Panini! She's a bit shy and won't come to anyone except for Latté. Baking is what Latté spends a lot of her freetime doing, as she works as a part time bakers assistant. Her closest friends are Hunnie Amore Valentina and Clover the Maned Wolf, though she will also spend time with Estrelle and their lot from time to time, as well. Latté loves spending time with other pink themed friends the most, if you have a pink sona/OC that you want to be friends with Latté, feel free to draw them together!

  • wasted ingredients
  • sour flavors
  • rude people
  • dirty hands/paws
  • elitist gatekeepers