Spaaveola Galzon's Comments

Hi! is this chara UFO? I can offer someone in Here or some Art, think in 4 fullbodys for them. But open to negotiate or fo mix offers

Hey there! Sorry to bother but I stumbled across this baby while browsing and I absolutely ADORE them! And I was wondering if I could possibly do a lil bust for them! I would love it if you offered an oc or possibly even an art trade hut you do not have to! Have an amazing day! ♡♥

Ps-My art examples are on my account at the very bottom when u click characters if u wanna know what my art looks like 

Is it ok if i draw them?:00

hi there!!! i was just wondering what the price range you're looking for on spoon is? ^^

Heya! Just letting you know that they posted the pricing ^^

Named herself? tulpa vibes

*pulls out comically large spoon*

I absolutely love that her name is Spoon XD