


7 years, 8 months ago


Name: Torohopn (birth name) or Tom/Tommy (main nickname)
Nicknames: Toro, Tom, Tommy, Thomas, Torphy, Tori, Tor
Age: Estimated around 2000 - 3000 years old (explained later)
Gender: Male
Species: Stone Golem/Demon
Sexuality: Pansexual/not fussy - he looks more for personality than gender or species
Relationship: Single, possibly looking, seeking friendships

Height: Unknown, though much larger than the average human male. Estimated to be taller than six foot.
Weight: Again, it is unknown. Though he is heavy as hell, as he is made from stone.
Eyes: Bright, emerald coloured green. He actually has three, with the third being located on the centre of his forehead, though it isn't often seen from under his fringe/hair.
Extras: His ears are elf-like, being they have the pointed tip, though they are a lot smaller. He doesn't have any piercings now, but will probably get some later in life. His horns measure roughly 15cm in length and have a slight curve to them. He has four arms, which aid him in his work.

Bio: Torohopn or 'Tom' is a stone Golem, carved centuries ago from the ancient stones of mountains, to be a guardian for a small village. The village was isolated from the rest of the world, hidden away in a snug little ledge on one of the largest mountains of the time. 'Tom' would act as a guard - fighting off invading creatures, demons, and the like. Created as a sort-of offering to the Gods for protection of the village, the local Witch breathed life into him, and thus he became the guardian of the town (details are very sketchy here - he barely remembers it himself). He would often transport stones, minerals, rocks and the like to and from the village, and act as a blacksmith and builder when they needed it.
 The village has long since been destroyed from famine, pestilence, plagues and the natural elements, and despite the fact he is sad to leave the place he has called home for so long, Tom has decided to move on and explore the world he lives in. Leaving his mountain home with a memorial stone structure (often visited as a religious point or interest or tourist attraction) of those he lost, he left the mountain in search of a new home and new friends.
 He now spends most of him time, traveling from town to town, studying cultures and species and recording his finds in a little notebook he always has on his person in a satchel for his travels. He enjoys making new friends with different species, humans, monsters and demons alike. You can often find him spending time in libraries, reading a good book, bakeries, forests, museums, and other historical landmarks/cultural landmarks.

Personality: Kind | Considerate | Respectful | Quiet | Gentle | Easily put off | Can sometimes be easily intimidated, despite his size and strength | Little bit of a hopeless romantic | Can't flirt to save his life | Kind of oblivious to others flirting with him | Doesn't really know how to act when it comes to love and such 

Brought for 500pts

Worth(Not counting art by me); 500Points - ???USD - ???? AUD