


7 years, 4 months ago



"I wanna be the love of your life"
Name Cyrus Lovelace
Age 23
Height 5'6
Gender Genderqueer
Pronouns He/they
Species Canine
Orient. Bisexual
Job Florist
Acquired $9
Worth $50+
Creator rekurii
Status NFT/S ever
Theme Be Mine
  • Theres nothing but a black hole under the rose on his face
  • Grows all the flowers they sell at his flower store
  • Their blood is black
  • Collects cds, cassettes, vinyls, etc

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Vivamus accumsan tristique arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent convallis justo orci, vitae facilisis massa semper sit amet. Nunc placerat accumsan orci, eget vehicula arcu accumsan ac. Suspendisse dignissim nisl nec imperdiet scelerisque. Morbi nec laoreet arcu. Cras condimentum lobortis ligula, sit amet gravida purus elementum ut.


Cyrus is on the shy side, but does his best to be friendly and polite to everyone they meet. He likes to see people happy, and loves to make people smile, and while they can be nervous around other's they'll always do whatever he can to make someone happy. They spend most of their free time tending to his store and garden, but putside of that he really just likes to go around helping others. While Cyrus mainly focuses on flowers, he does have a small garden and they like to give out their homegrown produce for free.

While Cyrus loves to help people and make new friends, he's not always the best at it. He's clumsy and awkward, and they get embarrassed easily. He's also a hopeless romantic, and gets flustered at the slightest bit of affection or flirting. That said, Cyrus does enjoy flirting with others; they just cant handle it being thrown back at him.

  • Roses
  • Cooking
  • Meeting people
  • Being outside
  • Romance
  • Drama
  • Heights
  • Upsetting others
  • Pollution
  • Cities