



This is Ravage, he is Bisexual but doesn't want to be tied down quite yet. He is not fully aware of Prides crush on him but he kinda returns the feelings. Almost never smiles, Pride is the only one who can get him to smile. Very calm personality he never does anything outgoing and likes to live in the background. He does get mad fairly easy when it comes to people he doesnt know.

Humanoid Description: canine ears, canine fangs (just a couple), sharper fingernails, has tail, human feet. Also has tattoos loosely based off his canine coat (the rib and spinal bone is definitely one of them, not so much the pelvis one) 

Commonly seen in both canine and humanoid form 

Ravage's outfit:

Doesnt wear much color besides the pinky purple color that his markings are. Typically wears greyscale colors but never wears all of one color. This hoodie is probably one of his most colorful pieces of clothing and is one of his favorite. Usually seen in a hoodie. He also can wear the bone items both in human or canine forum