Teremun Qadir



3 years, 11 months ago


•Full Name: Teremun Qadir

•Nickname(s): Psych, Terri

•Gender: Male

•Age: 19

•Birthday: 23 April

•Likes: Drums, Warm weather, the color purple, dogs

•Dislikes: Cats (he's allergic)

•Hobbies: Sewing, Art, Music, Wandering

•Personality: Not too talkative, but still fairly friendly. Tends to accidentally sneak up on people. He's a bit of a loner, but really doesn't mind having company every now and then.

•Classes: Civilian

•Physical Appearance: height- 5' 11"   Weight- 183 lbs

•Species/Ethnicity: Egyptian


>Poltergeist: He has limited telekinetic abilities, only able to use them to move objects and create barriers/force-fields.

>Helping Hand: He can heal minor to severe injuries (to an extent)


>He cannot lift anything heavier than 2 tons without serious repercussions and strain.

>He cannot heal disease or sickness, only injuries/inflicted damage.

>Every time he heals someone, he is inflicted with damage in their place. Not always the same kind of damage, but damage nonetheless.

>If an injury is too severe, he can heal it, just not completely.

>Prolonged use of his abilities results in permanent discoloration in his hands and face, as well as loss of feeling in his fingers for up to three hours.

•Backstory: Teremun was born and raised in Egypt until he was around 10 years old, when his parents, hearing of the meteor's impact, decided to travel to Central City in order to study it in collaboration with other scientists. So Teremun, his father, and his mother moved to the area. After a few weeks near the meteor's crash site, Teremun began to notice his abilities manifesting. He decides to use his newfound powers to help people as best he could. Now, he wanders the city, hoping to make the most out of his gifts and talents in whatever ways he can.

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