Latté's Comments

Hey, I'm sorry you're no longer comfortable with having this character. Perhaps I could take them off your hands? I can write lore for them and take care of them, and if you like, I can unlist them so you don't have to see them anymore. Please let me know if I am intruding, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. 

Hello, thank you, I could send them over now! You don't have to, but I'm just really wanting them off my hands is all due to something, so you're totally alright and not making me uncomfortable at all <33

Thank you! I promise to treat them well. I hope you feel better soon, about whatever happened, and just in general. One little known fact about the human body is that consuming carbs causes a chemical reaction which boosts the brain's release of serotonin, so be sure to chow down on your favorite bread (or snack food) if you're ever feeling low!

I could grab this guy 👀