


7 years, 4 months ago




Birth Name   Yakushi Katsumi  
Age 16
Birthday june 6th ()
Species birman
Height 5'3" (161.54)
Eye Color orange
Hair Color red-purple
Blood Type B
OccupationHigh School Student
(2nd Year, Class 5)
Extra CurricularGirls Ice Hockey
(alt captain)
Favourite Food sausage octopus


Katsumi has never liked her brother, as a baby she was afraid of him, as a child she was jealous of him, and now she simply hates him. Both Katsumi and Satoshi had a strong relationship with their father. Though they were never friendly toward each other, They were able to ignore their mutual dislike when they were with him. Their father was a fan of the NHL and ended up getting them both into hockey. When Katsumi was 6 her dad took her and her brother along with him on a business trip to New York. While there he took them to a Rangers game. She can't remember it perfectly but she remembers the excitement.

Like her brother she became interested in playing hockey. Her mother wasn’t pleased as she would have prefered Katsumi do something more feminine. She even tried to push Katsumi into figure skating instead. Eventually Katsumi and her dad were able to convince her mom to let her play.

When she was 9 her dad was killed by a miasma beast. Without their father Katsumi and Satoshi’s relationship quickly deteriorated. She felt like her dad was only one who ever expected anything of her. She liked feeling challenged to be better, whether it school or hockey. He never counted her out or told her she couldn't do things because of her size or gender. Without having someone who believed in her she came think no else did, so she always has something to prove to other and craves acknowledgment for her achievements.

Her mom believed Satoshi would be as gifted as their father was with mana. Katsumi hated that their mom believed in Satoshi but never her. Even after he constantly failed to live up to her expectation, she never seemed to stop. She didn’t have to put much work in to show up Satoshi’s one star ranking but she still did. Her hard worked paid off as she was awarded a two star ranking when she placed.

In her first year of high school she was able to increase her rank to three star. During this year she went out with a lot guys. Toward the end of the year she had gotten bored of how easy it was to pick up guys and is now focused on finding a boyfriend.

Katsumi works very hard at just about everything she does. She maintained high grades in class 5 and is a starting player on the girls hockey team. Though she desires individual acknowledgement she views the team's accomplishments as her own. She always willing spare time to help out a teammate. She was named the alternate captain in her second year and is expected to be captain next year.


Katsumi is perky, sociable, fun loving and often flirtatious. Her sunny disposition and unyielding determination makes her appear confident. She does however have a more serious side when it comes to her school work, hockey, and mana training. Though Katsumi is harsh and malicious to her brother, he is the only person she acts this way to. She is often much more stressed than she lets on. Competitively she thrives under that stress but socially it may cause her to act overly defensive. Though she is experienced with casual relationships she is nervous about how she would function in a more serious one.

energy attacks
energy bomb
magic aura

energy waves
School Namayuri



  • Katsumi likes to make bentos and often gives them to her team mates and cute boys
  • Katsumi’s given name (勝美) means “win, beauty.” She thinks it suits her well.
  • She has crushes on Itsuki, Kaito, Madoka, Mike, Norio, Tatsuya, and Tomomichi. Basically she finds playing Hockey attractive. 
  • Despite liking both Mike and Tatsuya she is uninterested in dating them, as she has learned the hard way that dating a teammate can make things awkward.
  • Her left caine is a natural yaeba, she makes a conscious effort to show it off when smiling and laughing. 
  • She spreads nasty rumors about Satoshi
  • She likes hot weather
  • She uses her fiery mana to keep herself warm, feels hot to the touch
  • Her favorite NHL team is the New York Rangers
  • #6, alternate captain, center forward, playmaker
  • 4Kids dub name: Kathy.
  • Tropes: Cain and Abel, Passionate sports Girl, Inferiority complex, Deceased parents are the best