Harley ([DETAILS])




Name Harley Tatrasiel Parr

Age looks around 20

Gender male (he/they)

Orientation ace panromantic

Occupation archer/medic


  • pastel goth
  • trinkets
  • birdwatching
  • strategy games
  • banter


  • teasing him
  • his tail
  • big crowds
  • drunkards
  • inconveniences

“What a beautiful fucking day! Nothing beats this shit.” A local hunter with a sardonic personality and a love for natural landscapes. Harley is rarely seen in the village as he spends most of his time out in the woods hunting, gathering herbs and other remedies, or rescuing weary travelers. Harley’s abilities are often underestimated by others; he’s actually quite strong and simply prefers not fighting hand to hand - when he and Kosta were Not Friends he had nearly beat the lad to death o_o

Harley’s appearance primarily resembles a mountain cottontail rabbit, though it’s speculated that his tail is the result of heritage from tufted ground squirrel genes!

  • Kosta calls him “Harley Parley”
  • Owns a pet hognose snake named Anemone.
  • Tends to swear a lot
  • Knowledgeable in brewing healing items, but is absolutely awful at cooking
  • Smells like sandalwood.
  • Has permanent “blush marks” on both of his cheeks
  • Favourite food is borscht








Skills & Abilities

  • healing abilities (self and others)
  • can wield both throw weapons and a bow
  • little AOE powers (more precision)
  • powerful charged attacks


Weapon Sturdy Carved Bow

Armor None ???

2nd Wep. Enchanted Darts

Treasure --

Misc. Stubby Horns

BG Image

Value €15

Species rabbit/squirrel

Obtained via adopt

  • he has both a humanoid and a furry,, form, both are canon to his appearance and I just kind of draw them interchangeably
  • different coloured horns; left is grey and the right is white
  • dark blue/grey tips on ears
  • quite big rabbit tail
  • can have a variety of bobby pins for his bangs
  • permanent round cheek blush


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit sem risus, sed vestibulum turpis varius vitae. Vestibulum hendrerit in ante at molestie. Nunc ut ornare ipsum, vel rutrum magna. Etiam semper ante ex. In sit amet pharetra dui.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit sem risus, sed vestibulum turpis varius vitae. Vestibulum hendrerit in ante at molestie. Nunc ut ornare ipsum, vel rutrum magna. Etiam semper ante ex. In sit amet pharetra dui.
