
3 years, 11 months ago



"Oh no. Oh no, no, no! That's now how you do that!!!"
Name Amphora
Name Pronunciation am-faw-ruh
Species Deity [Minor]
Age ???
Gender Female (?)
Pronouns She/Her They/Them
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Deity of Communion & Sexuality
Residence [-]
Status NFS
Design Notes
  • Long hair! Feel free to play with her hair style however you'd like. Tends to enjoy braids.
  • Likes to wear sheer fabrics and layers— also sparklies! Lots of sparklies!
  • Neutral but mostly kind expression.
  • Horns are smooth. You can draw them just about however you'd like.
  • Loves jewelry
  • Three pupils per eye (yellow), pink iris, and black scleras.

Amphora is a playful goddess, with a penchant towards mettling in mortal affairs. She is know to be sweet and kind (though not without her own hidden fangs). She is said to often walk among the people and engage in relationships.

  • Often talks to Anastasia in order to communicate with her followers. Amphora was the closest to Eberon and she was the first entity to realize his death— meaning that her followers were the first humans to learn of the afterthroes.
  • Is known as the Tamer of Eberonshards, or The Shard Tamer. They lull in her presence.
  • Commonly walks among humans on the night of the full moon, which is also considered a special day. If someone catches her interest enough she'll stick around a little longer.
  • Is flirtatious as all getup.
  • Often prayed to by lovers and expectant parents.
  • Iconography is prominent at both places for weddings and at brothels.
Divine Protection
Is able to hand out a "divine" protection. While not as strong as other gods— still stronger than an Eberonshard— it helps protect the chose individual. It tends to lengthen lifespans and increase luck. In her particular case, can increase fertility.
Divine Tongue
Possesses the ability to converse other gods, pseudo-existences such as Eberonshards, and humans.
Form Changing
Amphora is able to change her form and sex at will, and commonly does so. She enjoys walking among humans and beasts alike, but rarely shows outsiders her true form.
  • Much to be added later~
  • Has been around forever, but was said to be created by Eberon as a companion.
  • Was the first to send out messages about the main god's death, and of the pantheon she took the news the hardest of all.

Anastasia is her current channel; the priestess and leader of her followers. She considers herself quite close with the mortal woman and is proud of how she leads the people. Plans to reward her after she dies.


Anastasia's youngest sister and her next channel. She finds Eirwen the perfect next priestess go take over after Anastasia.

Lesser "Deity". Amphora, Goddess of Communion and Sexuality.

She has a minor cult that interacts with the main cast. Known as the Tamer of Eberon Shards.