Ilaria Swifl



Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: July 14th

Hair color: Silver/White

Fairy Height: 11"

Eye color: Brown

Wing Color: White

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Messing around with her magic, Dancing, Beautiful things

Hates: Large Bugs, rude and obnoxius people, ugly things

    Born and lived in a fairy town, up high in the trees of a forest. Ilaria was known more as a trouble maker of sorts, always trying to change things to her preference, something pretty and beautiful and clean, but often doing so to people. It made it even worse when she got a hand of some changing magic, making things and people change into something she sees as "better." Due to this she ended up getting kicked from her home and forced to live on her own. But once she flew into some cities, seeing how terrible people can be and not approving of their actions, she decided to go and change them to be better people, to the point where some aren't recognizable. She's been labeled as a menace in some instances while changing people, sometimes 'princess-ifying' them. But to her, she's just making the world a better place.