


3 years, 10 months ago


The odd being roaming the caves, despite blending in with his matte dark colors, stands out socially as one of the few creatures who roams on two legs. As an elf, Attikias stands at 6'5", weighing in at a relatively light 212 lbs. He has most of the average expected humanoid qualities: plantigrade feet, intricate hands, round pupils and a thin, ape-like face.

However, he does have some differences, to say the least. Most notable is the thick hair covering his already dark skin. It's very fine and short, almost like velvet, and aids in giving him a layer of warmth. This coincides with his average warm body temperature - many strangers may find him warm or even hot to the touch. A long, lion-like tail often whips with feline emotions, the tuft the same dark color as his hair.

Darker eyebrows and hair adorn his face and wrap around mismatched eyes. His right is a bright, minty green, with his other a purplish blue. They both end up 'glowing' if a light is shone directly into it thanks to the cat-like reflectors in his eyes- this isn't true glowing, and instead just reflections that light in the dark. No light is actually emitted.

Atop his left shoulder (and non-dominant side) is a sizable polished selenite chunk. It's set in the top of his trapezius muscles and can hinder him from lifting up his left arm too high or leaning or turning his head far to the right.

Within the caves, Attikias can often be seen with at least a pair of pants on, sewed from a young, skinned cave deer with thick leather straps to keep it together. His feet and hands are the only places without fur, and will often have some sort of sandal or glove like creation covering them to keep them safe from rougher surfaces.

Over time, the elf has gained nicks and scars, evidence of fights and accidents marred over his body. A knot of twisted, faintly green flesh lays just on his sternum from a failed attempt at camouflage in 'and let it be'.

As of 'hey man, isn't it poetic?', Attikias has swirling silver filigree up the entirety of his left arm made of rainbow titanium- a hard metal that serves as decorative armor against his skin. Dots of rainbow aqua stand like water-droplets at thick endings and in the middle of loops, with the silver of the titanium curling over his gem like a clasp. It's distinctly metallic to the touch, with the aqua glowing and shimmering along with the iridescent colors of his swirls. Metal taps across the back of his fingers and hand, with the joints free to move as they need to.


As a father, Attikias rarely gets time where he thinks about himself anymore. A lot of his motives revolve around his family, with three daughters and a son to take care of and worry about constantly. Love envelops him when it comes to them and strangers.

It seems a hunter's instinct blended with the familial nature he carries, developing into a protector's complex and a want to keep those he knows safe. If he could, he'd devote his life for those less fortunate, throwing himself into frays to side with all sides of the argument. He doesn't have the moral high ground in his mind, though, as despite being primarily carnivorous he's constantly at war with his choice to direct himself to physical combat.

He's defensive about some of his past, cagey on unspecifics. He doesn't like to talk about hunting as much as he used to, and he's worried about a previous life he's seemed to all but forgotten, going as far as to avoid talking about his abnormalities of appearance. If he was born (or reborn?) as an animal like the other ones, would he get the strange looks he's gotten before? And he's gotten them, oh yes, and he's determined to shove past them and have people see him for who who he is.

Friendship is what gets him by in life. He thrives on attention and being useful to his peers, giving up enough for the consequences to be detrimental to himself if it meant a friendly face was graced by a smile. In battle, though, he seems to turn to someone else entirely. Driven by emotion, he's forced to go on the offensive when biting words are given his way, using acute awareness of weapons to dig into an opponent. He'll go and go until he can't take any more, and he'll go some more, just to prove that he isn't one to be perceived as weak.

He isn't weak. He's an elf, and he's trying hard to be proud of that.