


7 years, 4 months ago



Name Garrison Jonathan Parker
Called Gary (Jordan only)
Age 40
Gender Male
Height 6'4"
Build dad bod
Race human
Role Detective, Your Dad


Garrison had been a detective since middle school. He was known for solving small mysteries, like missing notebooks and broken rulers. He earned small amounts of money via this past time, but mystery solving was his hobby, nothing more. In high school, Garrison joined the football team. About halfway through the season, he broke his nose pretty badly and decided that maybe he could probably put himself to better use than throwing himself at large men. At least he’d gotten some muscle from working out so much. He continued his mystery solving hobby and after high school and college, much to his surprise but no one else’s, and became an actual detective. He eventually got his own house and one very large Burnese Mountain dog. That was when things got interesting. He met a woman. It looked like it was going to be a good life. They got married and had a kid. Garrison couldn’t be more thrilled, he loved being a dad. Then one day, they were gone. His wife suddenly demanded a divorce. Of course, he obliged, but much to his dismay, she took his son with her. He’s continued his job, much more dejected than before, but quietly dealt with it, although it is questionable if his way of coping was healthy. He got more big dogs, who still live with him. He currently still lives in his suburban home with 5 large dogs.

Garrison, in all meanings of the word, is a total dad. He loves kids with all of his being and is well known for being really good with them, to the point that he’s pulled into separate divisions to help deal with small children that got involved in a crime somehow, even though he’s usually in charge of murders. Always seems a bit sad or concerned, but puts on a brave face for the people around him. Very kind and understanding, has a strong belief in self-identity and will fight anyone who invalidates others. He won’t hesitate to literally kick you out of the station if you’re an asshole, however. He has a strong sense of justice that's not to be denied. He's well liked by most, but some find his personality a tad overbearing and too protective, even if he means well.


Alignemnt lawful good
Sexuality Bisexual
Enneagram Helper
Flower Holly
Element Earth



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  • His dogs are named George, Frederick, Lupin, Earl, and Wanda, who are respectively a St. Bernard, a Tibetan Mastiff, an Alaskan Malamute, a Bernese Mountain Dog and Pyrenean Mountain dog. All of them are very gentle and some, like Frederick, are large enough to carry small children on their back. He also often takes care of station’s K-9 unit, an excitable German Shepard named Henry.
  • He keeps lollipops and junior detective stickers in his pockets for any kids he meets.
  • Volunteers at a local animal shelter occasionally and will take the night shift at the front desk when he has trouble sleeping.
  • Favorite show is Star Trek: Next Generation.




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