


4 years, 3 months ago



Not every little girl is born to be a beauty queen or an athlete. While Gideon was the apple of her Daddy’s eyes she was a princess only in spirit and not much else. A generally good natured little girl with a love for nature and a sweetness that went beyond the normal day to day. She loved people and adored being around them, she was just terribly shy when it came to communicating with them. As she grew older her bashfulness only seemed to increase. While she was very bright she was not necessarily the top of her class, so she more or less fell into the middle ground. A place that was easy enough to overlook if one was not specifically paying attention. It was a comfortable enough place to be. She was neither so low on the social strata that people bullied her nor so high as to be levied with the weight of popularity upon her shoulders.

As puberty came to pass Gideon began to find herself changing, as most girls her age did. Clothes began to fit a bit tighter and as she grew upward she also found her skirts to be a bit shorter. Awkward and uncomfortable with her new found curves she became even more shy than she had been before. Choosing to avoid sitting toward the front of the class whenever possible. Tucking herself in the back where it was nice and quiet and she wouldn’t be watched by anyone else around her. It eventually became rather impossible to hide the fact that she was growing thicker in some areas. Riper in the feminine sense. Her breasts were fuller, her hips wider, and everything was beginning to come to life.

Becoming a young lady meant she was going to begin experiencing her heat cycle, which the first time round nearly knocked her off her feet. Terrified of her sudden and undeniable desires she stayed home from school and locked herself away in an attempt to avoid behaving in a way she would find utterly embarrassing. Not to mention she was certain she would look terribly foolish. Everything was changing so quickly for her that she wasn’t sure she could make heads nor tails of it. Though she was hoping with time her ability to cope would catch up and she would be able to gain control of her body and her nerves.