Lin Chengyu



3 years, 11 months ago



16 | Male | Bisexual

About as average as they come, Lin Chengyu (林承宇) or ‘Hayashi-kun’ (since Lin is pronounced Hayashi in Japanese) is an exchange student from China that tries his best to not get on anyone’s bad side but won’t do anything too stand-out that draws attention to himself.

He does decently well in all his subjects and puts extra effort into learning Japanese, since his mom is Japanese-Chinese. Although he’s sometimes oblivious, if he ever wrongs anyone and is approached by them, he’ll immediately back off and apologize.

"Sorry, my bad! Hope I didn't trouble you too much!"

. . . .
Occupation Student
Year 2nd year
Academy Amanohokosaka
Designer Raiku
Status Alive

  • Skinny Chinese boy measuring 171cm tall and weighing 60kg.
  • Lin Chengyu wears the boys uniform with no additional accessories.
  • Bright looking eyes that are slanted slightly inward.
  • Has optional bandaid on his right cheek, NOT optional white bandages around his neck hiding a scar.
  • Chengyu is his given name and Lin is his surname- I am using east Asian order where family name comes before given name.


Originally born and raised in Hebei, China, to a full Chinese father and a Japanese-Chinese mother, Lin Chengyu is an only child and only son from a moderately well-off family. He did his best in sports and school back in China and tried his best to stay out of trouble. After an experience with not being able to defend his childhood friend from bullies, he began to distance himself from others to avoid trouble. Since he was decently good at sports and in class and had his own group of friends he could be loud with, he was luckily never the target of bullying, but he wasn't the type to stand up for victims either.

Living a mostly peaceful and unremarkable life up until his last year of junior secondary school, his family got into a car accident. Thankfully no one died, but Lin Chengyu was severely injured when the seatbelt didn't immediately lock him in place and ended up slicing into his neck when he jolted forward.

Eventually recovering, he went back to school but felt weird being the center of attention. It stressed him out, and when summer finally came he still somehow felt restless at home. His mom proposed the idea of him becoming a study abroad student in Japan for a semester or so to take his mind off of things. After deciding on Amanohokasa Academy in a small and quiet Japanese town, they paid for his expenses to send him there.

Unfortunately, after leaving that airport, he unknowingly saw his parents for the last time...

School Life

Just before the 'end of the world' in 2000, at Amanohokasa Academy in Japan Lin Chengyu is an overall relatively average student. His athletic abilities, charisma, and smarts are barely above average, though his physical flexibility and his mental constitution is just slightly below average. Still, he seems to get along well enough with most of his classmates and does his best to not make any enemies so his stay in Japan goes as smoothly as possible.

Despite looking skinny and weak, Lin Chengyu surprisingly likes playing soccer and he looks forward to physical education classes the most. He’s decent at most sports he plays but not exactly a star player, though has fun anyways. In his freetime, he enjoys reading anything from novels to manga and greatly enjoys the bookshelf in his doorm.

The scar his neck that’s still in the process of healing sometimes ganders attention, which he doesn't enjoy, though he bares with it anyways. He’s more than a little scared of being in a car, but he can stand buses and bikes. Aside from that, Lin Chengyu strongly dislikes two-faced people and those who get enjoyment at the expense of others.

Amanohokosaka Academy

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Fusce sodales pulvinar risus vitae consectetur. Quisque luctus est nec nisl lacinia, convallis elementum ex suscipit. Donec eu lacus blandit, convallis eros pretium, tempus lacus. Nam at ipsum finibus, porta eros et, ultricies sapien. Sed turpis nibh, condimentum at urna eget, tincidunt rutrum mi.

Gaaru Jishin

Gaaru Jishin is a bit of a delinquent. He's sarcastic and one to gossip quickly, but despite that he gets along with Lin Chengyu. They're both 2nd years and are classmates, and Jishin considers Lin one of the 'sane ones'. Lin thinks of Jishin as someone who's very down to earth and real, despite his sometimes apathetic nature.

Kikuchi Himari is another 2nd year student that Lin Chengyu is aquainted with. He first noticed her for her art and thought it was really cool that she drew shonen manga short stories. They share some interests in the same mangas, like GTO, NGE and Detective Conan, and sometimes talk about that.

Reiuji Mami

Although Reiuji Mami is 1 year senior to Lin Chengyu, even though they don't share any classes they're aware of each other's presence and Lin has asked Mami for help on a few occasions. Lin looks up to her a lot as a junior to senior.