Glacial's Comments

letting you know ill beable to get them end of june instead of july!! im super excited

Alright!! Thank you very much for letting me know <3

so on the 21st ill beable to get them!

Alright! thanks for your notice 💕

Can I have your paypal so I can send payment tomorrow?

if you dont mind holding them till end of july iill nab for full resale!

If no one else asks for it in all this time it will be yours

would you ever be willing to sell them by chance?

I can consider exchanging the fluffyshrimp for another of the same species, but it would still be very difficult for him to accept, but selling it I don't think so, at least not for now, sorry

What are you looking for him? Literally the previous owner was a disgusting person who took this oc from my friend when she had "given it away" and well, I wish I could get it to give it back to my friend! ^^

I'm sorry to hear that! I'm pretty much looking for the same things they were though- chams, myos, swaps, or resale ,_, hopefully we can work something out!

I have a cham that I could exchange, although it is worth much less than the baby, I do not know if you are interested ;;

that would be fine honestly, even if it's worth less :) but maybe you could throw in another oc or some art?

This baby + Art (maybe 2 fullbodys (?)

yeah, I'll take that deal! would it be ok for one of the pieces to be a custom design( so you can have fun with it) or would you rather me ask for something specific? you can dm me on Instagram if you want!

3 Replies