


3 years, 11 months ago


Mental Powerhouse

Name Valencio Morgan
Age 17 or 21 idk
Gender he/him
Species Human
Role superhero with electricity powers
Value Priceless


Valencio is a trans man who grew up in a small town located deep in a forbidden forest. His early life was mostly spent moping around, as his powers were seen as a hinderance. At age 15, he cut off his long curly hair and started to resent his upbringing. By age 17 he was almost complete with his general transition, and in doing so, he decided it was best to leave his cursed life in the forest behind. Upon making it out, his powers became more pronounced, and he started to realize why so many others saw him as a liability. I mean, it's pretty annoying to have constant waves and bolts of electricity surging around you, basically making you a magnet for mental transmissions and radio static. His intigration into modern society was rough: turning to negative means to cope with being misgendered by types of people he'd never even considered before. In his small town, there wasn't much to worry about, but here, everything made him worry. After many months of working up courage to get out of the forests and off the streets, he eventually landed himself a job at a textiles mill cleaning out the machines' buildup intakes. This is where things got relatively worse and better for Valencio. While working one day, his mill was raided by a faction of new age technology obsessed punks. They destroyed the machines he was meant to mainitnece and as accidental retalliation, he electrocuted them to oblivion where they stood like an atomic bomb. straight to DUST. This resulted in his capture by local authorities, which turned him in to a rehab place afew cities over. What he didn't know, though, was that this was not your ordinary rehab... It was a front for a grunge-y superhero agency tasked with recruiting people of higher power. He finally felt at ease with people he knew were almost the same as him: freaks of nature.

"And you know what? B A M !!! He's dead!"

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