
3 years, 11 months ago


NUMBER (151) Owner: ShadowFox

Name: Hoku

Age: 6

Bloodline: NA

Birthdate: September 12, 2019

Upload Date: February 20th, 2020

Sexuality: straight

Gender: female

Status: Mated to Koda and Anastasia

Parents: Rajwa (mother) & Miaq (Father)

Cubs: Juliet, Zekir, Lana, 

Personality: At first Hoku was extremely proud and regal holding herself with a reserved sort of grace. she had issues connecting with others which is what led to her drifting away from her family in search of something. what that was she wasnt sure. after meeting Koda she opened up becoming a lot more kind though really only showed that around him. eventually however when ana first appeared in her life led to her once again becoming distant and cold. After the incident with the two thera, hoku was extremely nervous and wary often being prone to panic attacks and refusing to be around anyone other than Koda, Ana, and their cubs out of fear. shes much more quiet and frail relying heavily on Koda and Ana for support.

History: Hoku was born to a loving family where she and her siblings spent most of their days playing. hoku was always the watchful type as a cub and as she grew, this reserved outlook on life caused her to eventually leave her family in search of her own place family or whatever it was she was missing. eventually she met Koda who seemed to just understand her and so they began traveling together eventually becoming close enough to become mates. they spent a couple years together before a younger gran calling herself Stacy, though it often switched between Stacy and Ana, appeared seemingly quite taken with Koda though not exactly pleased with Hoku's presence. Koda would often spend quite a lot of time with Ana although Hoku would try to avoid the younger, this eventually led to a fight between them that ended with Koda leaving for Ana. Hoku stayed in the hopes he would return but it soon became clear he had made his choice. she shifted her territory over a bit in order to put more distance between herself and the now happy couple. One day however Koda came to Hoku demanding to know where she took his and Ana's cubs, of which Hoku had no clue even existed since contact between her and Koda had been cut off. He eventually returned to Ana but not before giving Hoku the ultimatum of giving his cubs back in so many days or else. Hoku annoyed that he would think so lowly of her set off to find whoever took the cubs so that she could return them to their parents. the trail led her deep into the jungle where she eventually found the cubs in the grasp of two thera named Lukan and Victoria. after an altercation with victoria, lukan appeared dragging hoku off of his sister and then forcing himself upon her, uncaring of her injuries. He then trapped hoku with himself and his sister for weeks or even months torturing her. Her saviors eventually came in the form of a Kube pair named Dohate and Matatabi who had met Koda and Ana and promised to help them find their cubs. after scaring off Lukan and Vic, the two kubes got both the cubs and hoku and brought them back to Koda and Ana, Hoku's broken body drawing gasps of horror from the two. Several more weeks passed in the care of the couple before Hoku regained some semblance of normalcy. Eventually Hoku rejoined Koda as a mate while also becoming Ana's mate as well. She deeply relies on the two, especially Ana due to the trauma and ptsd from her altercation with the two theras. 

Random facts: As a cub she was extremely artistic and that hasn't  changed she's decorated her den with all sorts of bones carved with  intricate and beautiful designs.

Stats: STR –  2 | RES –  3 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 1 | DEX – 2

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: C | Fangs: C | Size: C | Eyes: C

Alt Traits: Horns: NA | Wings: NA | Glowies: NA | Feathers: NA

God Trait(s): NA

Mutation: NA

Special Base: NA