
3 years, 11 months ago


NUMBER (497) Owner: ShadowFox1412

Name: Inari

Age: 6

Birthdate: May 12, 2020

Upload Date: November 4, 2020

Sexuality: Bi

Gender: Female

Status: Mated to Iroh

Parents: Kari Fas and Chaedon

Cubs: NA

Personality: Inari is a very sassy and sarcastic gran always curious about new or unknown things, often darting off to explore before her sister Kagu even knows where shes gone. Due to her being ADHD (not that grans really know what that is) its hard to keep her attention on any one thing for too long. This can also lead to frustration when she zones out and misses an entire conversation only for it to be brought up later and her being expected to know what it was about.

History: Inari grew up with her siblings and half-siblings in Hoarfrost, before both she and Kagu decided to start traveling wanting to know more about the world and wanting to see something that wasn’t just ice and snow all of the time. They slowly traveled farther and farther south until they reached the jungle. Kagu found herself gravitating to a small pack that was forming within the embrace of the jungle and calling themselves the Hakkenden. Inari meanwhile having been left to her own devices found herself in a much darker section of the jungle where she would have an unfortunate encounter with the thera twins living within. However, unlike most who would leave and never look back she found herself drawn back to the two time and time again until after one bad fight with Kagu (who had grown worried for her sister and the amount of time she disappeared) she simply decided to stay. Or rather, was manipulated by the falsely kind words and praise of Lukan and Victoria. 

She proceeded to stay with Lukan and Vic for around 2 years,  believing that they loved her and cared for her all the while. she was  eager to give her body to Lukan, craving the feeling of being bred by  him. It wasn't long before she fell pregnant with her first litter  carrying them proudly. After the cubs were weaned however Lukan  immediately jumped her and began breeding her once more. tired and  exhausted she cried out in pain and struggled, but settled down when he  began whispering praise in her ear about what a good girl she was being  and how special and pretty she was for giving him cubs, and how he  wanted more from her. Falling pregnant a second time, her body hadn’t  been given time to recover from the last litter, and so she struggled  with this time. she very nearly couldn't carry them to term, and wound  up giving birth early. Once again Lukan only waited long enough for the  cubs to be weaned before attempting to breed inari again, the tired  female barely putting up a fuss, whining quietly at the over  stimulation. This time around her body was too weak and she miscarried  her third litter. Realizing that it was because she wasnt getting enough  time to recover, Lukan was forced to stop and let her rest for the time  being. She protested of course believing that she could do it because  it made him happy but he just set Vic on her to distract her since Vic  at least could still make use of her. He still needed her afterall and  the cubs her body could give him. Not that she knew that that's all he  wanted from her. She was entirely convinced that he could do no wrong  and at this point in time had forgotten that there was anyone else  before the two theras in her life. This changed one day when she was  rudely awakened after a round of playing with vic by the feeling of  being carried. Seeing the massive polar carrying her she screamed and  started thrashing about in an attempt to get free and away from the  stranger. She fell silent when not just the one carrying her but also a  second polar stared down lukan and even attacked him forcing him off of a  somewhat familiar female she could only feel jealous of in that moment.  She was set down beside the female while the two polars and a thrax  spoke of the situation which she tuned out. The polars took her and the  other female out of the jungle and refused to let her back no matter how  many times she begged saying that Lukan wasn't her friend and that the  familiar female was her sister who had been worried for her. This  pattern continued for quite some time until Inari finally began  remembering all the times she had previously ignored about how lukan was  controlling and rarely let her rest between breedings. More and more  she began believing the three grans around her and finally she  remembered the entirety of how she and kagu had been traveling together,  inseparable since they were cubs, before Inari had run into Lukan and  Vic and was tricked into staying with them. She apologized to her sister  and when one of her cubs popped up explaining they wanted to be with  her and not their father she could only feel happiness especially when  Iroh allowed it. Speaking of Iroh she and the large polar had grown even  closer together and she was quick to agree to becoming his mate when  asked. 

Random facts: Her adhd is based in part on my own adhd.

Stats: STR – 2 | RES – 3 | WIS – 5 | CHA – 5 | DEX – 5

Traits: Ears: C | Tails: L | Fangs: UC | Size: C | Eyes: C | Horns: NA | Wings: NA

Mutation: NA

Special Base: NA