Morok πŸͺ



7 years, 5 months ago




Name Morok Kalia
Called Moro/Morok
Age 21
DoB date of birth
Gender Genderfluid (she/them)
Race Deltan
Sexuality Pan
Build Changeling
Role Protag
Alignment Neutral Good
Theme Lose my Mind
Owner @Miro
Designer Me
CSS Eggy

Empathic β€’ Heartful β€’ Well-meaning β€’ Insecure

Morok is a mislead kind soul, she doesn't mean harm and wishes to not give any; yet despite that holds a strong opinion of herself, she may hold her ground but will punish herself for trying. She's quiet around those she deems as strangers, deals with immense anxiety and fights everday against waves of loneliness. Though if she knows someone well-enough, will become one of the most sharpest and loud-mouthed individuals they'd ever meet. Morok is also curious, a quick problem solver and an adventurer at heart, even if her insecurities paralyze her from achieving her goals.

Though her future is unsure, Morok only wishes to not be in the spotlight. Dodging every chance not to be known by hundreds or perceived by more than a few.




Gummy bears

Cozy beds

Ship mechanics




The dark

Being lost


Design Notes: Morok has three nostrils on her snout! They originally were one but I wanted her face to more represent a snake, the rest of her body (except for her feet/hands) are that of a Kangaroo. She also has eyebrows and two ears that are heavily furred. The tuft of messy mane fur on her head is not optional! It grows out as she gets older :>



Morok never went to school, she never took education classes nor was socialised in Deltan society. She was raised on the western side, where Deltan were expected to be more open and reliable in their emotions, however this made her struggle a lot with situations. She never really grew up around Deltan her age, and was always deemed 'closed in' or 'communicationless'. In truth, she just couldn't perceive it. She was depressed and struggled to keep up with home school curriculum, and as she grew older she chose not live around other Deltan except her Guardian. Despite everything, this was probably for the best as her abilities became more unstable.


Despite all this, Morok was constantly educated on... TBA



WIP!! these are not her skills


Cora can create a electrical barrier between herself and the floor, allowing her to somewhat 'levitate' off the ground. She normally only engages this when she's bored or wants to get to a certain place without jumping/climbing.

Electric Drain

Upon bringing a strong blow, Cora can drain all objects around her of electricity. She normally only does this when shifted with Leech, as it can engage a overload when alone.


The BAD place to go, all unstable Nirotechs are able to engage a overload- which normally results in losing a limb or important body part (such as eyes.) It immediately causes Cora's selected body part, mostly an arm, to become a battery for her electrokinesis. When released it can have terrible implications for the surrounding area AND the person it came from.


When Cora rests she regains a limited amount of electricity, which fuels her for basic abilities. However heavier moves mean more energy.


Morok was born in the city Kisca on the planet Deltora, she was born interestingly different from everyone else; round nose, the ability to control how sharp her teeth can be, short body. Her parents immediately knew why and how- she was born under the ALOR (ALL) deity stars; giving her the rarest ability to all. The ability to shapeshift. An ability so rare and so unseen that it was believed to be a myth from the start of time in their ancient history.

Her parents feared the Elders greatly and didn't trust the praise their godly powers were given, and a shapeshifter hadn't been discovered for centuries, so they did what they thought was best. They kept her and hid her by letting everyone believe she was born with a body defect; faking medical tests, paying off medical staff and threatening them, everything they could to keep their baby safe. It worked greatly for the most part, but left Morok cast out from Deltan society- lonely, unwelcome. Even blamed herself for the entire problem. Her parents were constantly telling her rules so she wouldn't be taken by the elders and turned into a lab animal, telling her ways to skip security and get herself out of legal situations. She believed it was normal and that she shouldn't complain.

Sudden Change

It was like this until her father-figure was killed in a scout mission. He worked for the Deltoa space army, commonly working with other pilots to navigate dangers in their space, but they had discovered that another alien race in a solar system close to them. When investigating the group was reported to be destroyed without mercy. The race was called the Nivrians, their dying planet was desperate for the minerals Deltora held and threatened to attack to save themselves. Deltora goverment officials denied the control of the Nivrians, who were actually calling for help, mostly to their xenophobic views. In cause beginning the war between the two species that would span for too many years. Morok and her mother were broken, she was forced to enrol in the space army and be on the first protection frontier to the first wave of Nivrian soldiers. While she would have been immediately denied as for her short structure for a Deltan, it was in a time of immense stress for the Planet Guard- they had never interacted with a race this threateningly dangerous. It was almost as if they knew them to a personal level. Despite Morok's fight against the Guard, she was torn from her mothers arms without remorse.


Morok did fight, but it was less than successful. The entire first protection army was obliterated and the mothership Morok was on was completely destroyed. Moro survived only by running from the attackers, one in which was chasing after her in an attempt to gain blood; she ran from this Nivri before jumping into a escape shuttle. However the Nivri jumped in as well and they brawled in the zero-G, destroying the control panel and without warning sent them hurling through space in warp. The unknown Nivri was pushed out the entrance by Morok in a desperate struggle of survival, sending him through a warp string into unknown space, Morok closed the emergency door just in time before she was knocked out cold by the sudden stop.

Morok awoke what seemed like days later, in an entirely alien spaceship and medic bay. This is where she was introduced to the crew, or specifically Oscar, who has been helping her largely since her loss. This is where she has been learning, growing and interacting with more different people she could ever interact with in her life on Deltoria, the crew of the ship A.C.E could possibly be called her family now. But she still feels the stresses of her homeworld, Moro knows that the Nivri she brawled is still alive and the danger may have just followed her; she can't run anymore. She'll have to face her worst fears, and learn other than just fight.




[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.