cowboy's Comments

hey!! sorry for pings, but im taking USD offers on this kid :> looking for his worth but im willing 2 haggle <3

cam--cctus thiccs Koji-Onigiri PastaPawz casperc0re Peachesntea Oblidat Dipper_ Lps_Fig filexplorer Capriraclown highwaes Muttmusk

ahh i dont have any usd currently, sorry!

he's really cute! I don't think i would buy him right now though, best of luck selling him!

I would love to buy him but I don't have any money ;A; <3 he is gorgeous tho!!

Sadly I don't have any money to spare ATM, I hope this dreamie finds an amazing home tho🥰🥰

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no, im sorry :<