


3 years, 10 months ago


redisigned in antro from a humen oc, pog

basicly that kinda type of person who grown melons on their windows and sell

bunny manticore


-full of pride and big ego but still dont say anything cuz he not dum and basicly live quate an nice life, even tho he run away kid from royal family of manticores

- LOVE to watching animes like kings's avatare, sao and other, also realy love playing rpg games, basicly u can discribe him as otaku

- an sculptor, yess

-  literaly uses his rich family creditcard, so he achualy has enoughf money, but he just thinks its super boring to just use it, and, he also scared of their family founding were he lives

- scorpion tail quate poisonous but yet he doesnt seem to have troubles with this in life, he just stabs people when they try to rob him, cuz he popular for being of royal breed, manticores, witch are suoer rare to even born

- collecting figurines(having realy big collectiong of them)

- his adoptive hamily is a manticores aka royal guys, and achualy his adootive grandmother were pure manticore(aka manticore x maticore), and they are realy realy rare


- their achual biological parent were on live expirement to reanimate(like dinosaurs and such) of raven lab, tho after some time they were runing from it, becouse they were strong enoughf to do it