


4 years, 1 hour ago


Thistlestar resides in the Darkforest

General Info -

Name : Thistlestar (Thistlefoot)
Reason for Prefix : His aggressive and sly personality
Reason for Suffix : (EX) Leader of DustClan
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Straight
Current Rank : (EX) Leader
Age : 35 (in moons)
Personality : Can seem very charming, but is also very manipulative, aggressive, sneaky/sly, and is only out for himself
Alignment : Neutral Evil

Relationship Info -

Mother : Berryfoot
Father : Scorcheye
Siblings : /
Mate/s : (EX) Sunstar
Status: Single
Kits : None
Friends : /
Mentor : /
Apprentice(s): /
Other Relatives : /

Character Info -

Pelt color(s) : Dusty gray/tan with cream
Scent: /
Fur Length : Short/Medium
Eye Color(s) : Yellow
Breed(s) : /
Body type : Muscular
Height : Average/Tall
Size : Average
Link to other reference :

Backstory :
As a young kit Thistlestar was never the best at making friends. When he reached the age of an apprentice, other cats his age would mock him for being weak and weird. This obviously irritated Thistlepaw, giving him the motivation to train harder and harder. His anger fueled him, and he would train on his own. Eventually he was the strongest apprentice, and one of the best. The apprentices his age still didn't hang out with him, for they fear him.
Thistlepaw never payed attention to younger apprentices, but one did catch his eye. This was Sunpaw (later on Sunstar). Her determination and hard work impressed Thistlepaw, plus she was kind and wasn't afraid of him. Once the two became warriors (Thistlefoot and Sunheart) they were inseparable. Thistlefoot became a more calm kinder warrior when he was with Sunheart, and other cats were real relieved with that.
It wasn't until Thistlefoot became Deputy that things started going down hill. He became angry, controlling, and power hungry. Once the leader died (whether it was Thistlefoot's doing or not, no cat knows) Thistlestar became a very terrifying leader. He immediately made Sunheart his deputy, for she was the only cat he trusted. Sunheart never really did anything to stop him, she always tried to see the good in him, but he wasn't like the cat she used to know. Thistlestar would punish and shame any cat that went against his words, talked behind his back, or broke any rule of the Warrior Code. It wasn't until one day that Sunheart's brother, Dewstrike, tried to kill Thistlestar. Of course he caught Dewstrike, but suffered terrible wounds, loosing multiple lives. The following night, Thistlestar banished Dewstrike for treason. While cats were asleep, Thistlestar went and followed Dewstrike, killing him. What Thistlestar didn't know is that Sunheart had followed him and seen the whole thing. She attacked Thistlestar, grief and anger fueling her. She hadn't meant to kill him, but Thistlestar was still weak from his fight with Dewstrike. (WIP ON CAUSE OF DEATH)
Thistlestar now resides in the Darkforest, haunting and stalking Sunheart (now Sunstar) whenever he can. Sunstar usually just ignores him, paying no attention to him.