Hiroshi Yamabe



3 years, 11 months ago


"I have no stones nor a board to place them on, but it is best to resign when you no longer have any prospects to win."

Son of two loving parents but very busy surgeons, Hiroshi spent much of his time at his uncle's estate. His beloved uncle, a renowned Go player, taught him the game only for Hiroshi to later surpass his uncle at a young age. Hiroshi slowly came to realize this success made his uncle's life more difficult as his uncle's own abilities were slipping with age. The destructive and wealthy family that Hiroshi's mother had once run away from had placed great pride in his uncle's Go mastery. As Hiroshi continued to excel over the years, his powerful grandparents placed him on the pedastal his uncle once stood on and turned against the once favorite. His uncle began to struggle with substance abuse and in a drunken jealous state, hurt Hiroshi. Hiroshi was badly injured and slipped into a brief coma. Upon waking up, Hiroshi swore off Go as he struggled to come to terms with what his talent had wrought.