Cypress (M)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

leechrot Global Rules
RULES; -You may resell designs you traded for as long as it's not more than that type of commission per -You may resell designs you paid for but I would strongly prefer it's not for more than you paid unless art has been added (and then the cost is relative to the accumulated worth) -You may ONLY regift freebies unless additional art is added (do not include what came free as part of the worth) -You may NOT use any of my designs OR art for NFTs (non-fungible tokens) -Other commercial uses of my art is prohibited unless discussed with me, using the design (but not my art) in commercial ways is fine -You may NOT use my designs or art for anything racist, sexist, ableist, LGBT+phobic, pedophillic, zoophilic (this INCLUDES drawing my designs in feral form in sexual or lewd situations, I don't give a shit if you call it "disney feral" or whatever other sick justifications you try to come up with... DON'T), bestiality, or other illegal or hateful depictions -Feel free to redesign it as much as you want and make them any gender/sex/sexuality/etc