


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Scattir(?) Diaku


Personified Inanimate Object


Little details such as his first name and bits of his design are still in the works.


Being in the same sort of world as Chaii Diaku, he shares a connection with said character. Technically Chaii's replacement, he was more or less an inanimate object enchanted to take on a humanoid form with the ability to think for himself- that object being a feather duster. He has very few abilities inlcuding shape-shifting from object (really, only a feather duster) to human, clearing one's thoughts of stress or concerns from things that don't really matter/or really anything not worth fretting about, and keeping things dust free--


His initial use as far as being a feather duster goes wasn't all that usual. The witch that owned that feather duster wanted to form it into a sort of broom instead- because who likes the usual stick brooms? Said which did succeed in doing so, and since then he has also had the ability to levitate in his humanoid form... but he has to have contact with someone else to do so. Levitation only works if he is doing it to aid someone other than himself.