Malcolm Meridius Sinclair



7 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Malcolm Meridius Sinclair




Human; Cyborg





Relationship Status:

Single; Scared of Commitment


Whatever Syrus tells him to do


Malcolm Sinclair is a generally well mannered, kind, but also rather loud-mouthed and spoiled boy.

After his mother died when he was only 6, Malcolm fell in and out of depression due to his father drawing away from the world to focus on his work. Around the time he was about 14, he ended up running away from his rich family in New York City to try to be a vegabond, since he thought it would be a better life because he hated the pampered lifestyle he was living.
He met Syrus a few days after ran off, who at first wanted nothing to do with him, but soon saw Malcolm had no idea what he was doing. Syrus, having run of in search of her father, decided to take him alongĀ  with her because what harm could it do? A few weeks in one of the trains they were on ended up malfunctioning and exploding. Syrus was fine given her quick use of fire magic to protect herself. Malcolm, however, wasn't as lucky.

In the end, Malcolm ended up needing most of his arms and legs amutated but with the help of Syrus, she convinced the doctors she could help in and decided to go back to her home in the Yukon to fix him up wit a fancy new, and experimental, set of bionics.
Malcolm as since lived with Syrus in Canada where he relearned to walk and use his new arms and legs.

He enjoys video games, figure collecting, learning what he can from Syrus, and movie night. His favorite food is still a good cheeseburger and he had been learning to play the drums.
Also has a form of Pinguecula (yellow spots) in both his eyes. Might need glasses when he is older.