


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Phinta Ari


In his 1000's (Physically 23)






He has a ship somewhere (I think(?)- I need to go see what's up sometime-

Stubborn, Determined/Dedicated, Reluctant

Reaching his 1000th birthday, he finally decided to give in to his awaiting duties on Earth that he had put off for so long. He spent a whole millennium pushing away given opportunities to earn titles and angelic traits (such as a proper pair of wings and a halo,) to figure out who he was as a being that simply existed for the sake of existing.

He had spent a lot of his time interacting with angels of different tiers and occupations, as well as demons of different tiers and occupations. He determined he enjoyed hell's lifestyle and decisions by making, and losing many friends on both sides to come to this conclusion.

The occupation he took was that of a "Good Samaritan," where he would be sent to Earth to directly interact with humans to either help them temporarily or as much as he could bear. With this job, he would be able to grow a feather on each of his unseen wing structures with each person helped. By the time he would have enough to fill both wings, he would have the title of a higher tier angel, earning him respect and say in his home community, all the while having the freedom to interact with the inhabitants of hell without being completely punished or looked down on.

He is currently in his first decade on the job, and it's a lot harder that he thought it would be. 

+Phinta can be pretty insincere when it comes to helping others. He's really doing all of this just to aid his own needs in the long run.