Kanon Kobayashi



3 years, 11 months ago


Kanon Kobayashi

I don't know how else to tell you that! Figure it out yourself...

The only writer and administrator of the music blog "Sound Off". It's become a popular blog for the writer's music opinions on songs both old and new. Many get a kick out of reading it, finding that they are very well-written, knowledgeable on the deeper aspects of music theory, and really gets into detail about what makes a song work or not. The site gets a lot of traffic whenever they post a new review of an album or song, sometimes with a hefty amount of discussion about the song as well.

Kanon themselves is different when spoken to outside of the blog that they manage. They want to be seen as one thing and that's 'cool'. They try to put on a cool demeanor when introducing themselves to others since they know they are short and therefore, less likely to be taken seriously. And they hate that. They also come off as fairly defensive and self-conscious about their own music opinions considering they dislike being referred to as a critic and insists on being called a reviewer instead. They do have a soft side, and they're only comfortable with friends seeing that.

Give them five years, and they would've mellowed out, at least more in comparison. While they still have a temper, they have better control over it and especially the things that causes their temper or anxieties to flare up. Having friends certainly helps - and they've even found an outlet in making music by becoming a drummer of a punk band.

Other Notes:

  • Voiceclaim: Sylvie Ashling (Epithet Erased)
  • Just to be a bit more specific about their gender identity - they're masc-leaning nonbinary.
  • Has misophonia. Their responses to being exposed to too many loud noises is usually getting angry, annoyed, or anxious depending on what's going on.
  • Has a gap between their teeth that they usually hide.
    • It can be easily seen when they get angry or annoyed.
  • Jokes about being able to see ghosts.
    • ...Well, more like it sounds like a joke.

Notable Relationships:

Riyeko Yudin: A middle school friend. Riyeko had joined the school much later. While the two didn't interact at first, they crossed paths when Kanon was running from some classmates and accidentally found Riyeko in a secret hideout she had made for herself. She let them stay though, and the two started to talk, finding they had more similar interests and feelings than they thought. They kept meeting up and they soon became close friends. Kanon also kind of has a crush on her but refuses to act on it. Not yet.

Kotone Mihashi: High school classmate. The two of them tend to clash a bit, since they somehow keep crossing each other's paths. They find her cutesy act fake and annoying, while Kotone thinks that they're too serious and don't know how to have fun. Yet somehow, they manage to find a way to get along. To be honest, it's probably because Riyeko is a good mediator. Although when they're both determined about something, they work together well.

Misc Trivia:

  • Likes: Pins, scary stories, alt rock music
  • Dislikes: Off-key music, trendy stuff, creaking doors
  • Aesthetics: Emo fashion, earbuds, computer screens, blog posts
  • Associated Pokemon Type(s): Fire/Dark
  • Has a preference towards punk and alt-rock music. Although the real secret is that they don't actually hate many genres - they just have ones they don't listen to because, again, misophonia.