✵ Modeus ✵



3 years, 10 months ago



Age 112
Gender Male
Height 183cm
Species Ragyael
Birthday April 17th (Aries)
Class Swordsman (corrupt)
Orientation Pan
Occupation Combatant







"On your knees... scum."

giphy.gifIf you hear the name Modeus anywhere in the ragyael kingdom, it's enough to send shivers down a person's spine, because usually only one ragyael comes to mind. A scarily skillful fighter, Modeus continues to constantly train and work on his abilities so he can be the strongest combatant there is. Unlike his brother, who he considers weak, he has a much stronger body that's able to withstand quite a few hits, and to him, any sort of failure is absolutely not a possibility. He appears very serious most of the time, and rather cold, however he is extremely passionate about his goals and will not stop until he gets what he wants. Some say that his eyes are like a constant, burning fire.

While Klaus and Modeus were in good relations when they were younger, Modeus quickly became somebody who was far more praised than his older brother. He was considered a true talent, while his brother was pitied for his weak body and inability to use his powers. Modeus eventually starts believing that he is strong, and Klaus is weak, that he has potential to do something great, and Klaus does not. Over time they started seeing each other less and less, and even though Klaus was constantly cheering Modeus on and praising him for any sort of accomplishment, that same love was not given back, and Modeus felt like he had to distance himself.

He fails to understand that despite their differences, both he and his brother struggle with the same problem of wanting to just be good enough to their own selves. He completely disregards this and starts hiding his emotions, and somewhere along the way he starts losing himself and gets stuck in the endless loop of desiring more and more power, and feeling like it's never truly enough. He constantly pressures himself in doing more, in doing better, and the fact that he doesn't really speak to his brother anymore just makes things worse, as he has no proper person at this time to turn to. He's scared of any sort of failure, as he quickly becomes even more self critical than he already is. William, the knight who took him in as one of his apprentices in the military, was able to defeat him and show him that power isn't everything, and the bitterness in Modeus continues to grow from then, and it continues to fuel his greed for power.

He has the ability to summon a magic weapon (in his case a sword-like one), however he was born with corrupted magic, which is a lot more powerful, but at the same time a lot harder to use and control. The usual sparkle like particles that appear in ragyael's magic is replaced with a corrupt, black aura. This is considered an anomaly.




... A secret

