Holaa, soy yo jsjkf me preguntaba si podrías poner mis creditos con mi perfil de aquí de Toyhouse, esq quiero organizar mis diseños pq estan todos regados xd

¡Sin problema!, ya mande la solicitud para transferir los créditos jsjs
Also, haces diseños muy bonitos! <333

ahh te lo agradezco qwq <3

Hello, Hello. I see that this lad is in the ufs/uft photo so I have decided to offer in behalf of my friend since they seem to like this character :)!

I can offer ANYONE, just about anyone from my th, perhaps even multiples if you’d like. For the lad, the only ones offlimits is my new persona :)! Here’s a link to the one offlimits.


Lmk if anyone interests you :)!

Ah just took a look around your th and sadly no one really interests me :( Ty for offering tho!

Would you let me know if you’d ever consider trading this bby?? Totally understand if you have no plans to 💗💗💗

I have no plans to! Sorry :/