Ahasverus (STEAMPUNK! Аhasuerus)



steampunk!Ahasuerus is not some kind of machine master here.
is necessary for every world of some evil scientist, she  - he is.

this woman, then, is an amateur scientist. but she likes to study emotions, feelings and create non-standard situations for her experiments with someone else's brain more..the psychologist..????
sometimes likes to rattle his bottles with different chemical things and understands them quite well..

She also don't mind working as a self-proclaimed pathologist at court.  
And since she is the only candidate who volunteered who did not disdain, she can name the cause of death of someone who died from poisoning - wounds, and they will believe her without any problems!

once she took advantage of this...


she: not her at all, but a cat who pretends to be a woman.. because didn't understand who he was in life and decided to try something new.

and also the fact that after this introduction to that the victim will die in 5 minutes, he asks the victim's last wish - if it is interesting, he fulfills it, and if not, increases the dose of his poison.

in general, he is neutral, but if they ask him about what he is a professional in, or at least start some kind of casual conversation, he will be very happy.. like a puppy with joy who can pee accidentally..
Because of his hobbies, he is shunned and it is possible to talk only formally - about work and reports. and he would really like to have the same communication and attitude as everyone else..
And if we already talk about the second " job " - they look at him as the worst nightmare, a murderer, although according to his logic, he acts quite normally. He is offended by this behavior, upset. He thinks that he is doing all this for the good, at least in his own time.. in order to satisfy  own curiosity


the continuation does not follow