


3 years, 11 months ago

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june 14 2019




We Are Invisible - Syd Matters




basically not being naturally colored is dangerous because humans can spot white from above water & track em  
so kobi got booted @ like,,, 12 so he didnt put everyone in danger & yada yada yada now hes 15 & likes fucking around as kids do & oops now he captured  
hes going to be sold for his pretty scales,
so hes tied up make sure he stays in place so at the time hes in a barrel of water, hands tied together & a rope tied to his tail & tied to the wall, so if he yeets out of the barrel he cant go no where

ook big climax scene YEET another ship w pirates heard the rumor of a pretty penny on board (kobi) & so they track down the vessel & raid the fucker. the ship lights gets lit fire, fight scene yada yada yada kOBIS TRAPPED IN A ROOM & ITS BEING ENGULFED IN FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the ships going down, but not fast enouph, the barrel falls & hes left on the floor with fire & the ropes binding him are caught on fire & oh gOD HES BURNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the rope burns off, & kobi rips the rest off after his hands are free & BOOKS IT to the nearest window, he punches it & shatters it (POV from above: everyone hears th glass shatter & captian goes "the siren !!!!" & private hear this & goes "MY PRETTY PENNY" & books it to the captians quarters where kobi was being kept ) DOOR BUSTS THE FUCK OPEN, WITH A MAN WITH A GUN, kobis gonna fkin DIE !!! so he yeets himself out the window & off the side of the ship back into the ocean kobi ran his whole tail over the length of the glassy window & got cut up pretty bad & thats why theres 2 big ol scars on the from of his fishy part

funfact: he doesnt know how to sing, not that he cant but the skill was never passed down to him since he was booted from the clan
in this world sirens arnt natural born singers, its a skill thats taught from generation to generation, if the skill isnt passed down its a death sentence

as a baby he was born with white hair, in an attempt to help him blend in better his mother used a permentant hair dye on him, hair can be changed colors for life, but scales and eyes cant be, this is why he has brown hair instead of white,

in his world if you birth an albino you're force steralized, so no more albinos can be born. if you come out albino you get forced out of the clan as soon as you're able to hunt