Sofia Agatha



4 years, 4 days ago


Just a silly (not so) ol' woman running her part of the city and secretly planning to screw over the government she's working for.

Age: 36

Height: 190 cm

Sex/gender: female

Orientation: aroace

Hand: right

Occupation: district chief


Sofia's hair is naturally straight, but she wears it in a braid often enough that it's almost always wavy when down.

  Though she identifies as aroace, having never experienced those sorts of attraction even towards people she loves dearly, Sofia suspects the "aro" part might not be entirely true and her fascination with Robert goes beyond "machine that acts human". Hard to tell when you're growing increasingly disillusioned with said machine's actions.

  Ironically, Sofia tends to forget the robot she wanted to work under so bad isn't a human.

  Has a greater influence on people than she realizes and would've been long disposed of if their loyalty to her wasn't mistaken for obedience in general. That, and she accidentally contributed to the goal of splitting the citizens apart.

  If I found this a little less dumb, she'd be one of those characters whose eyes are perpetually closed until something seriously serious happens.