
3 years, 11 months ago


Few have lived to tell the story of this beast.  S-4 got its name from the tag spotted on it's left ear. Records show that S-4 is around 12ft tall and 8ft long. If you see a creature with stag antlers, a humanoid face, a long neck, and a deer like body the only advise I would give is to run for your life. While the scientists, of this world, have stated that no such creature exists, I believe differently. The ones who have seen this thing up close have said it is like a human mixed with a deer and a bear. Which has lead to the Species being named Humdear.

News Reports:

1) A group of hikers stumbled over a massive pile of human remains in the locate area. Officials have closed down the area and have told residents to stay indoors while they locate the threat. But one resident has reported to us that she has seen a large deer-like creature with sickly fur moving throughout the forest at dusk. Officials and scientists have said it is just the woman's nerve talking. The sketch in Addition 1 is what the woman described to us.

2) Following our news story of the mysterious deer-like creature. A nature photographer recently came forward and told us that he has been going out into the surrounding woods ever since he was a kid and that occasionally him and his friends would hear strange calls 'almost human', he describes to us. But recently he has been hearing the calls more frequently and closer than ever before. He has told us a fortnight ago, when the local officers locked everyone down, he was making his way back to his home when he hear the call again and turned back to the darken woods to see a skull-like head breaching the darkness with sickly yellow eyes and antlers. He told us that quickly grabbed for his camera, and must of accidentally flipped the flash on because the bright flash causes the massive creature to turn and retreat into the darkness. (The photo that was taken is Addition 2)