


3 years, 11 months ago


Cal is a Semi Open species(NOT created by me). If you’re interested in making your own Caropie, please message me and I’ll give you a link to the discord server!

Name: Calidi

Nicknames: Cal

Species: Caropie

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Mutations: Under-tail fluff, basic horns, slit pupil

Personality: Cal is an outgoing, social individual. He tends to be very optimistic, and overall happy and cheerful to others. Though, he doesn’t exactly have a filter, so he often accidentally says hurtful things or backhanded compliments when communicating with others, even if he doesn’t exactly mean them either. He has a very high patience with others, so he doesn’t very easily get angry, although when he does, he tends to be very aggressive, so watch out!

Other: As a soothing method(when stressed, scared, nervous, etc) he tends to scratch at his arm. This causes skin irritation and pulls out some of his fur at times, because of this, his fur is thinner around his arm areas. Luckily, this hasn’t caused any serious injury or scars.